2 - day one: the park

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midotaka (midorima x takao)

"Shin-chan! Don't be mean!" Takao cried, facing his basketball partner who stayed a good 5 feet away from him. "I showered for a long time and thoroughly cleaned myself!"

Midorima frowned, not forgetting the 'poop' incident from an hour ago. He threw a quick glance at the smaller man but then looked away, pushing his glasses upwards as it slid off his nose. "How can I believe you when you still stink?"

Kazunari made a horrific expression at said words and began to smell himself. His head spun to his left, now facing Kaijo's ex-captain and Kuroko. "Please tell me Shin-chan is joking!"

"No need to panic, he is." Beside Shutoku's shooting guard was the one and only Akashi Seijurou, sharing a small smile towards the point guard. "Shintaro likes teasing you is all." The bright-red head took note of a deadly glare being directed at him but did not care for it. "Not only does he like that but he also likes y-"

"KUROKO." Midorima purposely raised his voice, ensuring no one would be able to hear Akashi complete his last word. "Where in the world is your idiotic partner leading us to?"

"Did I not make it clear before leaving the house? We're heading to the park." Next to Kuroko was Murasakibara who carried all the pastries he baked himself. Kasamatsu held the basket filled with fruit, mainly watermelon and apples. Aomine held a plastic bag filled with cans of the player's favorite drinks. Kagami held this afternoon's lunch of sandwiches and burgers.

"Oh, right. My apologies." Of course Shintaro was aware of where the group was going, but it was the only thing he came up with to force Akashi to be interrupted that moment. He didn't even need to glance downwards at his middle school captain to know that he was grinning ear to ear.

Akashi found it amusing the green-haired player did not bother concealing his irritation at the red head's words. "What's wrong, Shintaro? You seem annoyed."

Takao nearly jumped in front of Rakuzan's captain with a wide smile. "Oh who cares if he's annoyed! You should tell me what he likes! That's the best blackmail I can use on him." He snickered evilly. His arm grabbed onto Akashi's, daring to pull the GoM member away from Midorima so Shintaro would not interrupt again.

As much as Seijurou did not like being separated from Furihata even for a moment, he did like to see his middle school pal fluster at the news he desperately didn't want to be revealed. Just this once, he'd put this above his beloved brunette. "I'll be right back, Kouki."

"Dammit-!" Midorima murmured to himself. "Oi! Akashi! Don't you dare!" His teeth was gritting when seeing Teiko's old captain leaning to the point guard's left ear. "Don't mess with me! Drop it, you two!"

Just a few hours ago, the morning started amazingly with Midorima and Kuroko's irritated attitude after waking up and Takao being gifted a large dump on his lap. With this being the trigger to the hectic events leading after, Kagami refused to cook anything with such a stench lingering since the kitchen was just beside the living room. So the basketball players were laying on the floor, starving until it had gone. Kuroko gathered as many sprays as possible to distinguish the horrible smell and when that failed, began lecturing Nigou outside as he cleaned the dog with a hose. Murasakibara could not stand another second of waiting for food so he snatched Kise's wallet, knowing the boy would be stacked with cash, and dashed out of the apartment. The blonde knew the giant too well and if he wasn't given surveillance, whatever money that boy had would be spent in less than 20 minutes, no matter the amount of cash he held. It could be $1000 and it'll all be gone in a moment's notice. Kise, too, dashed out, trying to remember good spots around here with worthy, delicious food.

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