Chapter Twenty Three~ Sun and Moon

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Hey guys sorry for the long gap in between updates, school has been kicking me in the butt. I hope you enjoy and please check out my new book.


I wished I could have stayed there in his arms forever, but sadly the rest of the world caught up to us. Belle began to cry from our room and Erik quickly rushed over to her, concerned that something was wrong, but I knew she was simply fussy.

I had forgotten that it was Sergio who helped care for Gustave and I while Erik was away. I had felt bad for Erik, he didn't know the extent of our relationship. We never laid together, that drunken night we had only slept next to each other, for a moment I had thought we did.

Yet we did have a very physical relationship, most nights we always slept next to each other, curled up in each other's arms. I had never wanted to lay with him, and Marie's death was still fresh in his mind, even drinking couldn't block those thoughts out.

But something inside of me always told me to stop whenever Sergio touched me. I had always tried to overcome that feeling, but I was never able to. Sergio understood that, and that made our relationship stronger.

My thought were interrupted when Erik gave out a small cough to grab my attention. I quickly looked up and over to Belle instinctively, and she was squirming in Erik's arms, and he was confused about what to do.

I smiled and shook my head as I softly grabbed her from Erik and walked over to the side of the bed. "She's only hungry Erik," I said as I began to pull down my dress, and Erik's face reddened with embarrassment.

I carried on as if nothing awkward was going on, until Erik said something out of the blue. "Did he every see you... you know," he asks me, obviously mentioning Sergio. I shook my head as I adjusted my dress and began to burp Belle.

"I could never bring myself to do anything like that," I answered as Belle began to calm down in my arms and I set her down in the crib. He gives a sigh of relief as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me back against him.

"Good," he whispers in my ear as one had begins to slide up my leg, sending shivers throughout my entire body. His hand moves across my stomach and under my chest and my breath begins to pick up, "Because I am the only one allowed to see this," he says protectively as he kisses my neck.

I was just about ready to kiss him when I heard a small knock at the door. I quickly turned around to see Madame Giry standing there with Gustave. Her eyes widen when she looks at Erik and her eyes fill with anger.

"How dare you show up here after eight months," she screams at him as she walks up and slaps him in the face. Had anyone else done that, they would have already been dead, but Madame Giry knew that Erik wouldn't dare lay a hand on her.

"Do you know how many nights I spent calming her down after her nightmares? Do you know how much you've damaged Christine? And over what doubts? She spent her nights crying and wishing she were dead because you weren't here. You have no right to come and ruin this poor girl's life, not after all that you've done."

The room was an unnaturally silent after Giry's words. They seemed to hang awkwardly in the room and I felt all eyes on me. "Christine is this true," Erik asks softly, and I can see him try and reach out for me, but I shove his hand away.

"What was I supposed to do? We were happy Erik, expecting our second child, Raoul was out of our hair and things were going great until you left. I didn't know what to do, you were my life. Without you my life was empty. And then the nightmares came..."

I didn't want to say anything else, the nightmare were worse enough. The I feel a small tug on the bottom of my dress and I see Gustave standing up underneath me and I smiled. I bent down and picked him up and he flashed a small at me.

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