Chapter five

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There was a slow silence that followed his words as it took a moment for it to dawn on her. Her cheeks grew hot and she stepped back and sputtered, "W-what?! I can't do that!"

She threw her hands around herself, protecting her chest, turning her body away from him as if she could somehow hide her form from him. 

Ayato huffed and crossed his arms.

 "And why not?"

"B-because you're!" She stopped herself and then pointed at him to say, " I'm a girl! It's improper to change in front of a boy!"

"You do as your told!" 

 He stepped close to her and grabbed her wrist and then he leaned down close to her face. 

 "What are you so afraid of? It's not like you have anything worth seeing."

"Hey!" She cried.

She struggled against his grasp for a moment, shielding her chest with her free hand whilst turning her back to him.

With a click of his tongue he let go of her and snapped, "Fine. You have five minutes. If you're not dressed by then I'm gonna drag you out in your underwear if I have to."

He rolled his eyes and headed towards the door and tossed it open before stepping out and shutting the door rather loudly behind himself.

Once alone Shinoa let out a heavy sigh and allowed herself to crumple to the floor, her heart racing. She wasn't sure what made him change his mind but whatever the case, she was glad to have a moment for herself.

Her eyes slowly scanned the room as she pieced together her thoughts. The boys had made a mess of the room in their fight, a dresser was overturned and a mirror laid shattered on the carpet. 

She stood up and inspected the closest dresser for clothing.  Shifting through the clothes she picked up shirt after shirt, shorts, and even underwear but it was the strap of a bra peeking out from underneath  that made her freeze up. She swallowed hard and blushed again as she gently lowered the shirt in her hand and stared at the strap.

She faintly remembered the vampires saying something about her not being like Yui, and from the name alone, she knew it was another girl. She could only stare and slightly panic at the sight of the bra as she mentally pictured a girl with a variety of breast sizes before resting on Mitsuba smiling cheekily. 

When her fingers gently wrapped around the strap she eased it out from under the clothes with her eyes clamped shut. There was no way she was going to be able to keep herself calm in the presence of the vampires if the bra had belonged to a woman who was blessed in the chest department. It would explain their perversion of course, but to be compared to a girl like that Shinoa had no chance of escaping their torturous jokes on her breasts.

Her eyes slowly pried open as she looked at the pink bra with steady determination to face the truth. But to her surprise, the bra was slender and the cup looked no bigger than her own size.

She blinked and shook it, as if this was some sort of optical illusion. Content with the unwavering solidity of the bra she released a heavy sigh and clutched the bra as if it had saved her life.

"Hurry up pipsqueak!" Ayato's voice yelled, startling her and forcing her to glance at the door wide eyed.

Shinoa turned away from the door and grabbed a pair of underwear, a shirt and a skirt and undressed as quickly as she could. She tried to put the clothes on fast just in case the vampire decided to take a peek inside.

To her surprise the clothes fit rather well, and the bra seemed to fit snug against her chest like a second skin. The shirt she wore was a short sleeved blouse that was peach colored and went well with her beige skirt.

The door to the room banged open and she smiled sheepishly and interlocked her hands in front of her skirt.

"Hi there. I'm dressed like you asked," she said sweetly. 

"About damned time. Ore-sama doesn't have time to wait on you! You're so slow!"

In the blink of an eye, Ayato was in front of her, his hand gripping her chin firmly as he said, "For making me wait, I'm going to have a drink of your blood."

Shinoa twisted and tried to manuver out of his grip, but her efforts only seemed to make him tighten his hold on her. His fangs peeked out of his lips as he opened his mouth wide. With one swift motion he leaned against her neck and pierced her skin.

She winced as tears prickling at her eyes. It was painful, and her knees quickly grew weak, but he didn't let her fall, his hand reaching around her waist to keep her still. 

He retracted his fangs only to say, "I need more. Give me more of your blood."

He ran his tongue along her throat, moving to a new spot to bite, and once she felt the fangs sink in again, she was faintly aware of the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. 

Her body was numb, unable to do much else but remain still as he drank greedily. She was losing consciousness fast, fighting it with every ounce of her strength.

Finally, he pulled away and muttered, "Shit." 

He lightly smacked her cheek, and she blinked through the blurriness. She was faintly aware of the fact that her legs had given up, and that instead of forcing her to stand he simply tossed her over his shoulder. 

Everything was a blur to her, and she wasn't sure if she was merely hallucinating when she felt something akin to rapid air hitting her back, her skirt lifting upwards slightly as the vampire took her out of the room and somewhere else in a flash. 

"What took you so long?" A voice snapped.

"Shut up Subaru, I can do what I want."

"You really brought her? What a dumbass."

"Shut up, this won't take long."

Without warning, Shinoa was tossed to the ground and she hit the floor with a heavy thud. She could practically taste the dirt beneath her as it overwhelmed her senses.

"Would you look at that? More humans," Ayato commented. "Do you think their blood is as good as the pipsqueaks?"

"I dunno. We're supposed to bring them to Sanguinem."

"Nah that's boring Subaru! Let's go before they run away."

There was a grunt and then the sound of the vampires footsteps seemed to quiet.

The idea to run away was at the forefront of her mind and she mustered enough strength to sit up and grab her wounded neck. She looked to see just how far the vampires had wandered only to lose all hope instantly.

Ayato was smiling and seemed satisfied with the group of bodies surrounding him. When he looked to her his grin widened, the fangs gleaming dangerously.

"What a waste. Their blood is like tasting dirt," he said with a shrug.

He stepped forward and approached her until he towered over Shinoa's helpless form.

The color had drained from her face, yet Shinoa forced a thin smile. Of course it wouldn't be so easy to escape  just yet. She had to play this game a while longer if she hoped to live.

"I-its natural their blood isn't as good as mine. Ayato-sama picked it out personally, right?" She said, hoping to appease his ego.

To her relief, he seemed satisfied by her response and replied with, "Your blood is the best and it belongs to me now."

"Ayato!" Subaru snapped.

Ayato rolled his eyes before turning to face his brother.

"What do you want?"

"Can't you hear that? It's getting closer."


Ayato became quiet as a look of perplexity crossed his face. "That noise...It sounds like--"

Instantly, Ayato reached for his sword and grabbed Shinoa by her waist. He flung her over his shoulder and jumped into the air right as an ear piercing scream rang out  and a mess of black sprouted out of nowhere, hitting the spot where she had been.

"Finally! A challenge worthy of Ore-sama!" Ayato shouted, a look of glee on his face.

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