Chapter fifteen

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At some point throughout the night, Shinoa found herself stuck between the body of a vampire, and the inside of what appeared to be an iron maiden all the while she was naked and bruised from the events of her 'training'.

 It didn't help that said vampire positioned her body on top of him and had his nose nuzzled against her neck. The intimacy of such a situation was more than enough to turn her face red, and any struggling she did to free herself from his clutches did little to actually pry herself apart from him. She could only lay there, defeated, embarrassed, and redder than she had ever been in her life. 

When Ayato finally loosened his grip enough for her to wriggle out of his grasp she quickly turned her body to the side in an effort to keep her privates away from him as she covered her chest with her arms. 

He grunted. "What're you moving around for? Stay still." 

As if she could simply obey his request...

"I...really need to pee!" She squeaked, yelping as his hands touched her waist.

"Why are you making that sound?" He asked, though his voice was too close to her ear to be an accident. He chuckled, "Stupid pipsqueak, are you really embarrassed about this? You should be honored that your blood tastes so good. You don't have anything else to offer up anyways." 

He nipped her ear with his fang and seemed pleased by the slight gasp that slipped her lips. Seconds later his hands were moving all over her skin and Shinoa did not stay still. 

"Pervert!" She shrieked, "Pervert alert! Get your hands off of meeee!"

A sudden flux of light burst into the room and the door to the iron maiden's door  was pried open and tossed aside. Shinoa quickly stumbled out gripping her arms over her chest and privates as she practically threw herself near the sheets on the floor and wrapped it around herself much like a burrito. 

"Fufu~ I see you two are closer now," The voice of Laito said. "Can I join you?"

"Hell no!" Ayato snapped, "You ruined my fun."

He crossed his arms and huffed, only receiving a chuckle from his brother. 

"Reiji says that it's time to get up. We're having a family breakfast downstairs." Laito replied.

Ayato rolled his eyes, "Yeah of course we are! After the shit he pulled last night, the four-eyes has some nerve!"

"Aww, don't be like that Ayato! You know it's been so long since we've had such a pretty little bride. You can't expect to hog her all to yourself forever. That blood is irresistible to all of us." 

"Shut up! Find your own and stop reaching for what's mine or I won't forgive you!"

Laito threw up his hands and feigned innocence. "I would never," He replied, though the light smile on his lips betrayed his intentions. 

"Whatever," Ayato said, "Oi, pipsqueak! Hurry up and get dressed! I won't wait forever."

The vampires were gone shortly thereafter and Shinoa slowly turned her head to the surroundings of the room. As her eyes searched the contents of the room she quickly concluded that it had to be Ayato's bedroom and stood up clutching the sheets to her body. 

She went to the door and poked her head out, the empty hallway giving her the relief she needed to venture out. There was little to identify her own bedroom among the various doors throughout the mansion, but most of the doors were locked and she found her way through trial and error.

Finally reaching her bedroom she sighed in relief, shutting the door behind herself and spotting the clothes resting neatly on the bed. Assuming it was what she was expected to wear, she dressed herself quickly and stood back to stare at herself in the mirror. 

She wore a light pink top with sleeves that fell off her shoulders, secured in place by thick  black straps and a black cross-stitched decoration with black ribbons at the front of her chest and paired with brown shorts. Overall the attire was cute and rather girly, and as Shinoa turned and admired the comfy fit she couldn't help but wonder where such clothing had come from. 

"Damn it you're so slow!" Ayato yelled, his voice startling her as he threw open the door and stomped inside. At once he paused, the vampire's mouth open mid-sentence before he became quiet. 

Shinoa blinked and tried to smile, her heart pounding in her chest as she placed her hands in front of herself. 

"I had to find my way back to my room so it took me longer to get ready," She decided to say, though he did not respond in the way she had expected.

"Where did you find those clothes?" He questioned. His voice was low and barely above a whisper, yet he stepped closer to her and suddenly grabbed her shoulders tightly. 

"I uh...found them on the bed." 

His grip tightened and she winced.

"Don't lie to me! Where did you did it?"

"I told you the truth! I wouldn't lie to you!"

Though his grip tightened immensely at her insistence he ultimately let her go and Shinoa stumbled back and rubbed her hands against her sensitive skin.

He turned away from her and seemed to vanish from her line of sight. She blinked and looked around the room in surprise, but nothing was out of the ordinary.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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