block party

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today was the day i despised the most. a day that i would have to avoid the unavoidable. so...quick explanation, about ten years ago my 'lovely' neighborhood decided it would be absolutely amazing if we all come together during the summer and have a block party. it was cool and all until a new family moved into the neighborhood.

and that new family has, to my 'luck', moved into the house next to mine. they've lived there for four years. them moving caused a disruption in my life. so basically the kids that live there, have to go to school and that means the oldest son started going to my school. which threw off my routine school life.

the kids at school find him attractive so they've made it their sworn duty to make him 'popular'. why does that concern me? because he has a large ego and an attraction towards me. he uses every opportunity to speak to me. when he does it, he gets overly confident and it makes me feel some type of way. i don't know if i like that feeling or not.

so i start to ignore him at school, which doesn't stop him, but now he uses me doing my chores as an excuse for further harrassment. when his family was told about the block party, he was more than delighted. so for the past four years he's been doing things to me at this gathering.

from the subtle touches, grabs, rubs or the slick comments to the 'accidental' pulling down of my clothes. i don't know why i don't put my guard up around him or why i even let him get that close. but anyway, that's the run down of the reason today is going to be the death of me.

i located my bathing suit, since my neighbors also have a pool. another thing that made today the worst day by far. my mom hates that i shelter my body. so she bought me a fucking bikini. like goddamn mom, do you want me to be a hoe? why is it a bad that i don't want people to see what i'm working with?

"terra, put that damn bathing suit on and come outside!" mom yelled from downstairs. "coming" i said back. i took off all my clothes and then put on the bikini. i grabbed my towel and put it around my neck. i walked outside and got smacked in the face with the smell of the black dads grilling.

i looked around quickly, trying to find a straight clear path to get in the pool. of course the only clear path had an obstacle. jahseh onfroy, my neighbor/not so secret admirer. he seen me and smirked, taking note of my outfit. last year i had a one peice. he seemed all too pleased with me wearing this.

i was about to go back inside, but he stopped that. "hey terra!" he yelled walking over to me. him doing that alerted my mom and let her know i was outside. now there was no way to sneak back inside. i guess i'll have to tough it out. i sighed and waved. "all i get is a wave?" he asked putting an arm around my neck and making me walk with him.

"i don't like you" i said removing his arm. "you do, you just don't want to admit it" he assured. "no sir, you are mistaken" i said walking away. i felt a smack on my ass and i jumped. "what the fuck dude" i said turning around. "i wanted to see it jiggle" he said. "just stop okay" i said getting annoyed. "aww, shorty mad" he mocked then poked my cheek.

he moved closer to me and gripped my waist. "i can fix your mood, if you want me to" he whispered. his eyes met mine and went back and forth to my lips. "you're the one that caused it" i said. "so let me fix it baby" he whispered. "aww you two are so cute, pose for this picture real quick" a young woman said pulling out her phone. i think she baked the cakes every year.

he immediately turned us to where i was in front of him and his arm was across my chest. he held my hand and i smiled for the camera. "i....gotcha" she said happily. "could you not post that anywhere?" i asked. "oh nooo honey, no need to be embarrassed it's okay everyone falls in love some times" she said.

jahseh chuckled from behind me and gripped my breast while the lady laughed with her eyes closed. i smacked his hand and tried moving away from him. "stop moving" he whispered. i don't know why, but i stopped moving. "this will be posted on facebook though" she said then walked off.

he let go of me and moved us back to our original place. "so.." he trailed off. "i only came outside to swim" i said and began walking away from him. he laughed and followed me as i walked to his backyard. i laid my towel across a chair and walked over to the pool. i put the tip of my toe in the water and jumped back. "what's wrong?" jahseh asked laughing.

"it's cold" i said then lowered myself in the pool. "yeah, because it's hot out here" he responded. he took off his shirt and got in the pool as well. "okay so i really got to talk to you" he said seriously. "okay, but don't be on no weird shit" i said. "when i first moved here, you were the first person to catch my eye" he said.

i sighed. "i know i can get a little annoying at times and shit, but imagine having a crush on someone and having the confidence to approach them" he said. i turned my face to look at him. "everytime i try and try, but you just ignore and reject me" he said. "like if you knew anything about me, you'd know i was a fucking hoe" he said.

"i have not did anything with any of these bitches at all" he confessed. "i want you and i want you to want me too" he said. "i just had to get that off my chest because it's been damn near five years" he said. he got out the pool and went over where the men were grilling. why do i feel so bad right now?

hope you enjoyed.

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