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I had worn my favourite form of clothing again today. Hoodies. For some reason I had never forgotten the taunts and sneers I had received for revealing myself to the entire management of Whitmore Middle School. I knew that it was one thing I'd never try again in the future.

"She's an alien."

"No, a freak."

"Just look at her, her eyes gives me the creeps."

"Is her skin supposed to glow this much? It's literally sparkling!"

" Dude, are you sure she's even human?"

My adoptive mother looked at me with disgust. "I thought I told you to keep the hoody up. Let's go, eyes to the ground and don't say a word. You should be grateful that I'm willing to waste my money in this dump. I doubt anything would come of it."

I just nodded my head and fastidiously ignored the rest of her snide comments. I learnt the hard way that it wouldn't do me any good to talk back.

If you thought this woman was a poor lady, think again because Vivian Goldberg is the twentieth most successful scientist in LA.

She bathed in millions and unfortunately the only reason she'd kept me around was because I was her lab rat.

Typically. My sparkling skin had attracted her attention enough to go through the hassle of adopting me. I hadn't known my birth parents or anything about my origin whatsoever.

I just did what I had to do and that was it. Even if keeping a low profile had deemed impossible.

Instead my effort had drawn me into the limelight. For years I was isolated till high school.

How? Well let's just say I was a smart kid. Apparently too smart for high school. Did it help me?


Did it stop the taunts?

Definitely not.

And everyday I'd grown used to having creepy black eyes, glittering skin, a golden mark and metallic blue hair. I still wondered were I was from but I knew one thing for sure.

It definitely wasn't here.

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