bags - clairo

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Every second counts,
I don't wanna talk to you anymore.
All these little games,
you can call me by the name I gave you.. yesterday.

Mike and Will would always spend time together, except for when Mike was with Jane. Then his main focus became her. Apart from that, Mike and Will would mess around with each other. They would call each other names, both sweet and silly. Will wondered if Mike remembered the names he called him the day before.. yesterday.

Every minute counts,
I don't wanna watch Tv anymore.
Can you figure me out?
Just to waste more time on the couch.

To Will, every single minute that he spent with Mike counted. Each minute meant the world to him. He didn't want to bore Mike by just watching TV with him. He wanted Mike to realize he liked him. He dropped subtle hints. Could the raven haired boy figure him out? Will really wanted him to, but it was fine if he didn't. He just wanted to spend more time with his crush.

Can you see me?
I'm waiting for the right time.
I can't read you,
but if you want,
The pleasures all mine.

There's been numerous times that Will has been so close to telling Mike his real feelings. Then, he would come to the conclusion that it wasn't the right time. Will would try and read mike, or figure out how mike felt about him. It was too complicated, Wheeler's emotions were all over the place. Why would did he cuddle with Will if he had a girlfriend? It must be a friend thing.

Can you see me using everything
to hold back?
I guess this could be worse..

Every time that Mike got close to Will, the Byers boy would blush. Jeez, he would even start to stutter and mess up the words coming out of his mouth. It would just sound like a bunch of jumbled up letters. I guess it could be worse, Will thought to himself. And that's when it became worse.

Walking out the door with your bags,

That's when Mike hopped off the couch and looked at Will.
"Will, I have to go.. I need to meet up with El," said Mike, looking down at his feet. Those words tore Will apart. But he wouldn't let that show, would he?

Walking out the door with your bags,

Mike reached out and grabbed his jacket, putting it over his shoulder. Will stood there in silence.

Walking out the door with your bags,

Mike picked up his backpack, swinging it over his shoulders and adjusting it. He held onto the straps
as he looked at Will, confused.

Walking out the door with your bags,

Eventually, Mike let out a sigh. It was more of a huff. He stood up from the Byers' couch and left the living room. He waved goodbye to Joyce, who was in the kitchen cooking, and left. Not saying a word to Will.

Pour your glass of wine,
Mitchell told me I should be just fine.

Will went into the kitchen, tears on the edges of his eyes. The first, warm tear rolled down his cheek as he looked at his mother, Joyce. "What's wrong baby?" Asked the concerned mother. "Pour yourself a glass of juice and let's talk,"she said, immediately dropping her cooking supplies and sitting down at the table where Will was with a glass of apple juice. "M-Mom, I.. I like Mike. I- I don't think he f-feels the s-same. I'm so ashamed of myself! Dad was right i am a f-fa-"
Wills words were cut off by his own sobs. Joyce stood up from her seat and pulled Will into a hug. "Everything should be just fine, there's nothing wrong with liking boys instead of girls. If Michael doesn't see how amazing you are.. that's his loss. Will, you're perfect honey," she smiled, caressing his forehead.

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