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Today was going to be a huge filming day for me since I was going to do the Speechless scene. We were going to shoot it in a while, but first we were going over it with Guy, without the camera rolling.

"And then you, Naomi, will go up to each and every person and they will pretty much disappear on their own once you look at them. Remember it's all about the emotion. Think about a time when you were very vulnerable, very sentimental, very emotional, and put it into this scene." He breaks everything down and I nod. "Yes, okay." I say.

We go over a few more things, discussing everything because this scene needed to be perfect, since it was going to be a one take. And if that wasn't stressful enough, I had to sing the first half of the song live, no lip-syncing.

I could do it, it was just hard because I had the two guards holding my arms so tightly that it was probably going to affect my singing.

So after like ten times of running it through, Guy decides we're ready to finally film it. I can see Will and Mena from afar, they were so ready for me to shoot this scene, especially Mena.

For a second, I remember the conversation I had earlier with Mena.

Earlier that day...

"Are you excited for filming today?" He asks me and I practically jump out of my seat.

"I've been waiting forever for this day." I say and he chuckles. "I know, it's your favorite song, your favorite scene."

"I know, it's just, such an empowering scene, you know?"

"Oh, definitely. I know you've got this." He says.

I smile, "Thanks, Mena. I just, what if I...what if I think about...J-Jacob, while I'm singing and I choke up or something?" I say and he grabs ahold of my hands.

"There is a reason why they assigned you this role. Naomi, you are brave, and strong, and valiant. You won't choke up. No, you're going to take the pain that he gave you and you will turn it into such a special scene for young girls who look up to you." He says and I can't help but smile.

I wrap my arms around his neck, giving him probably the biggest hug ever. "You know I'm enjoying this moment, but I can't breathe." He says and I let loose on my hold of him as we both laugh. "Sorry," I laugh.

"Mena, you're such an incredible human. Thank you so much."

*End of Flashback*

I see Mena blow me a kiss from a distance and I smiled, returning one. "Okay, this is Speechless scene one. Action!" Guy shouts and we begin.

"Written in stone every rule, every word, centuries old and unbending. Stay in your place, better seen and not heard but now that story is ending." I sing as I climb the stairs with the guards holding my arms stiffly.

I can already feel the water burning in the back of my eyes.

"Cause I, I cannot start to crumble. So come on and try. Try to shut me and cut me down."

I turn around and sing my heart out, "I won't be silenced, you can't keep me quiet!"

I think back to the times with Jacob when I never really stood up for myself. I think back to all of the times when he walked all over me as if I was a doormat. Not anymore.

"All I know is I won't go speechless!" I sing, the tears already forming in my eyes.

"Try to lock me in this cage," I open the doors to the palace wide open.

"Hear the echo saying I won't be silenced," I basically sing my entire heart out, the veins in my neck were fully showing and you could see all of the pain behind my eyes.

"Don't you underestimate me!" I go walk around Jafar.

"All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless!" I finish the song and we were supposed to cut the scene right when I finished, but everything was utterly silent for a few seconds.

After a minute, everyone started clapping and I felt a pair of arms hug me from behind, I turn around and saw Mena with such a shocked face. "Naomi, that was so...oh my God, I have goosebumps!" He says and hugs me, spinning me around as I chuckle.

When he puts me down I stare down at myself, and realize I had goosebumps as well. "Wow, that felt so...strong." I whispered.

Everyone was clapping and cheering. "Naomi!" Guy comes up to me. "That was perfection." He says and hugs me. "Thank you, Ritchie." I smile.

A few more people congratulate me and we keep filming a few more extra scenes until we're done for the day.

We had finished with filming, but Guy wanted to meet with Mena and I before we left. He said to meet us in Mena's trailer, so I made my way there. When I got there, both Guy and Mena were there so I asked Guy why he wanted us to meet.

"Well, I have a plan for both of you." He says and Mena and I listen. "I want you guys to not see each other until Wednesday." He says and we look at him, kind of confused. No, really confused.

"Why?" Mena asked.

"Because, I want to save your chemistry. You guys are crazy for each other, everyone sees it, including me, and so I don't want that connection washing out or dying down." He explains, which made sense.

"And so, the next scene will be when Aladdin breaks into the palace and talks with Jasmine, so I want there to be pure chemistry in that scene. You think you can do that for me? Not see each other in five days?" He asks and I mean, we had no other choice so we agreed to it.

The thing is, I wanted to see Mena. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to joke with him. Whatever feeling I felt for him, it was becoming addicting, because it felt like if I don't see Mena at least once everyday, I will feel empty.

It sounds so stupid, but it's true. However, I can't come off as a clingy desperate girl, so I casually agree with the plan.

After Guy finished talking with us, he left so we could talk with each other one last time.

"So, you okay with the plan?" Mena asks, making sure I was fine with it.

"Actually, I think it's a good idea, it makes sense." I say and he nods.

"I feel the same way, I'll just- I'll miss you." He shrugs with a small frown and it takes all strength in me not to melt at this very moment. He was so damn adorable, oh my God.

"C'mere, Meens. I'll miss you too." I chuckle and we hug. I guess hugs were just- our thing.

"Until...Wednesday?" He asks and I laugh, nodding.

"Until Wednesday, princess."

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