thirty eight

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"What...the fuck?!" I mumble as I desperately grab my keys after I see the text message. I run out the front door and get inside my car. I put the key and hear the engine roar. I press on the gas pedal as fast as I can.

In no less than ten minutes, I make it to Naomi's apartment. I see that her car is parked in the building's parking, so I let a sigh of relief. Maybe she really is inside there.

I take the elevator and go to her floor. I walk the hallway until I'm in front of her door. I use the extra key that she gave me two months ago in case I needed to go to her place, and I hear nothing.

"Naomi?" I call out.

I go to her living room and kitchen, she's not there. I go up to her bedroom. I turn to her bathroom.

I can't find her anywhere.

I ring Nasim. "I'm almost there at her apartment, where are you?" She asks me.

"Nasim, I'm already at her place. She's not here." I say, my heart beat speeding up.

"Shit. Do you know somewhere else we could try to find her?! I called Will, her parents, and they both told me they don't know where she is!" She said. I stop to think for a second.

My parents' text was not coincidential.

"Yes. I'll call you in ten, and if she's not where I think she is, we call the police." I hang up the phone and race back to my car.

I get to the place where I hope Naomi is and I open the door. I see both of my parents in the living room and I march up to them. "What the hell was that text supposed to mean?!"

"Oh, Mena, it's great to see you, hon-" My mom stands up to give me a kiss but I ignore her.

"What was the text supposed to mean? Is Naomi here?"

My mom looks at my dad and scoffs. "W-Why would you ask us that?"

"I'm not making myself clear. Is Naomi here?"

"Get me out of here!" I hear a pounding upstairs and I go crazy. I run upstairs and my parents chase me.

"What the fuck?!" I yell as I open the door and see Naomi inside the bathroom, locked up.

I hug her tightly and then I stand in front of her, shielding her from my parents. "What the fuck did you do?!" I yelled at my parents. They looked angry.

"You ruined this! He fucking ruined this!" My dad raised his voice, referring to me.

"Did you or did you not lock up my girlfriend while the bath water was running? You fucking psychopaths! Why? Why the fuck would you do this?"

They look at each other and stay silent.

"I asked a fucking question!" I raised my voice even more, scaring Naomi a bit. I held her hand to let her know it was okay.

"We had to." My mom said.

"Are you out of your mind?! What were you hoping to get from this?!"

They stayed silent for a bit longer until they gave in and explained. "When, when you told us her full name and when I asked her if she had any relation to the Scott family, we lost it. Her parents killed Aunt Elle, don't you get it, Mena?!" My mom said.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Remember when Aunt Elle died? She was in a car with Naomi's parents. They knew each other. They were best friends. They all went out for a drink. When they were driving home, Naomi's mother lost control of the wheel and they crashed. Aunt Elle died while Naomi's parents survived." My mom explained.

"Do you realize how fucking insane this sounds?" I ask them. "You tried to punish Naomi for something her mother unintentionally did! In the past! This is not her fault! Now, never try to contact me again. I hate you guys. I hate you." I grabbed Naomi's arm and we ran off back to our car.

My parents tried calling and chasing me, but it didn't work. We were out the door in no time. I sped up to my apartment. The car ride was completely silent until we got to my home.

We sat down at the couch and I just wrapped my arms around Naomi. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. A tear fell out of my eye, thinking about what could have happened if I hadn't gotten there on time.

"It's okay, Mena. I'm fine." She said.

I was supposed to comfort her, yet, she was the one comforting me. "No, no it's not. Naomi, what if I hadn't gotten to my parent's place on time? What would've happened then, huh? I cannot imagine ever losing you." I mumbled the last part as my voice broke.

"Hey, but nothing happened. So, let's just be thankful, right?" She smiled. This is why I loved her. She was always positive, no matter what.

"They will never give you trouble ever again. I will call the police the next thing tomorrow morning. Right now, just, get some sleep. I love you. I love you so fucking much, you can't imagine." I said as I kissed her forehead.

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