twenty two

600 22 9

A/N: Thank you so much for 1k!


Naomi, Will, Nasim, and I were all sitting down on the sand while we were on our break. The sun was setting, so the sky was beautiful and the breeze was light. We were talking about how fast these four months were going by.

"I just can't believe in two weeks we'll be wrapping up the movie." Naomi sighs.

"I know, it seems like just yesterday I met you guys." I said.

"Oh, don't forget how we met, Mena!" Will said and I started laughing, remembering my first encounter with Will.

"I think everyone who has ever met Will has had the worst first impression or an embarrasing encounter." Nasim said as we all laughed, it's true.

"You're so right! When I first met him, I was all sweaty because I was just at the gym and he was gonna give me a high five and I had to contemplate which hand of mine was gonna touch his, because both of my hands were sweaty. So I just stood there for like a minute until I finally high fived him back, it was hilarious!" Naomi said.

"Oh, I will never ever forget that. I was just like 'Naomi what the hell?!'" Will said.

"But I don't think nothing tops the story of my first time meeting Will." I shrugged and Naomi turned to look at me. "What is it?" She asked.

"Well, he was talking with Guy, right? So I go up to them, hoping Guy would introduce me to Will, but he didn't! So I just stood there like a freak listening into their conversation until I finally build up the courage.

So I go 'hi Will!' and he's just like 'hey'. And I leave. And then I realize, wait I forgot to introduce myself. So I go back and I'm like 'by the way, I'm Mena' and he goes 'Oh Mena what's up!'." I explained the whole story as Will was just laughing the entire time.

"What about Nasim? Didn't you have an embarrasing story meeting Will?" I asked her.

"Actually," Will answered for her, "We just introduced ourselves like normal civilized human beings. Unlike Mena." He said and I started laughing.

"I hate you," I punched his shoulder and he punched me back jokingly.

"Ah, I'm gonna miss these random fights with you." He said. "Don't say that or else I'm gonna start crying!" I chuckled.

"And I'm gonna miss watching the two of you go at it and fight like five year olds." Naomi said.

"I agree. You guys were annoying but pretty entertaining to say the least." Nasim shrugged and we laughed. "I'm glad we were your source of entertainment." Will joked.

"And I'll never forget how this little dude," Will said, pointing at me, "Met his soulmate. Naomi."

Naomi started chuckling as she couldn't contain her beautiful smile.

"Oh God, how could I ever forget? We bumped into each other at the craft service table." I said and cheesed so hard, remembering that morning.

"And I remember thinking, 'wow, this man is a greek god'." She said and it took all the strength in me not to walk up to her and kiss her right now.

We were in front of Will and Nasim, so I decided to just kiss her on the cheek and let my lips linger for a few seconds. I really wanted to kiss her lips so damn bad, but it wasn't the right time. We haven't had our first real kiss off camera. And I was saving it for a special moment.

"And I thought you weren't real, I mean, for goodness sake you were so gorgeous. Are, I mean." I said and she smiled so hard.

"Stop, I'm crying, my heart can't take this!" Will shouted and we all laughed.

"And may I remind you that throughout these four months, you two were head over heels for each other and everybody realized it except the two of you!" Nasim added.

"Yes, we know." Naomi rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"And when Naomi was recording Speechless, Mena was so lost looking at her. I literally repeated the same thing over and over again, and it took him three times to realize that I was speaking." Will said and I laughed.

"God, I remember." I shook my head.

And for the next hour, we spent it talking about all of our memories that we shared over the past few months. At one point, Will and Nasim left for Naomi and I to have a private moment.

"Mena," Naomi spoke up and I turned to look at her with my full attention.

"I'm really glad I got to know you. You've brought me so much comfort and joy, and for that I'm forever thankful." She said and I smiled so hard, my cheeks were hurting.

"I'm really happy you're in my life too. I believe we were meant to meet, one way or another."

"You really believe that?" She asked.

"Yes. I do."

Suddenly, our eyes were locked on each other's. I know this is the moment.

I slowly lean my head sideways, and she does the same, slightly closing her eyes. I press my forehead onto hers and a moment later, I feel an indescribable feeling. Her lips touch mine and we start kissing passionately.

I slide my hand into her hair slowly and she lays her hand on my neck softly. A few seconds later, we pull away. We're both unable to open our eyes. It's as if we didn't want to pull away from the kiss or wake up from this moment.

My heart was pounding so quickly I felt like it was gonna explode. The butterflies in my stomach weren't helping either.

"I like you, so damn much. God, you drive me insane." I whisper.

She releases a chuckle, before closing her eyes for a moment. She re-opens them, "I like you too, Mena. In fact, too much."

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