Chapter 3

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I never really knew what fear was until I saw it, A huge 29 feet monster, the first instinct that came into my mind was to run, run far away as possible and don't stop, I really don't know if my team was chosen based on my personality trait but honestly seeing that thing drained all my energy and my feeling of being brave, seeing the monster walking and destroying everything on its path, it scared my life out but Shiroe on the other hand didn't look moved at all, he was so calm for someone who just saw fear its self , even Daichi looked calm but not as calm as Shiroe, you could see an emotion in his eyes; the mixture of fear or rage, I stepped back a little trying to escape when I felt a hand on my back

"If you can't handle the mirror image of The Cloptex how do you think you can handle the real thing"

I looked up and saw the brown gleaming eyes of Shiroe, I nodded and kept looking at the clotted, honestly sometimes I wonder why I'm not as brave as I'm supposed to, I left my family and friends so that I can train and prove to everybody that I'm stronger than they think, so I'm not backing down yet.

"Okay Kids, as you can see this the mirror image of The Cloptex, this was recorded in the city of Takshisu in 2028, it killed over 3000 people and wounded 200 civilians" I saw Daichi face tense a bit,

"The Cloptex has only two weak point, Its eye and its heart, If you want to make it weak strike those parts and finish it off"

Now I actually understood why Earth Former's are the most needed in battle, maybe we are the only one who can conjure something sharp to pierce its heart but on second thought even Water formers can do it, am sure Shitori and Yato will study hard on 'how to develop their on their power to max'

"The Tournament would be held in two day's  time, Fire vs Water, and Earth vs Air, whoever wins would among the two groups would progress to the final competition were there would fight each other to receive the ultimate weapon but the it her team's would receive it but it would take time, so I advise you to practice hard and train, please would the Earth Team wait behind, we need to talk about which duo will fight among Shiroe and Daichi"

I gulped a little, I glanced at Shiroe, he still had the same emotionless stare while Daichi still hard the same questionable look plastered on his face.

"Don't worry Daichi, it doesn't matter who she picks among  the two you of you,  we would still do great"

"Yeah... sure"

After everyone left the training hall (Suki and Shitori both gave me hugs and wished me luck) the professor came to us.

"For the tournament, I'm stuck between Daichi and Shiroe, Sakura you have to compete you have no choice and Daichi I know you want to ask if you can forfeit after you have been chosen but the answer is still NO.... Sakura since you know the boy's why don't you choose"

"WHAT?!, I'm sorry but I can't choose"

"But you have to, the completion is in two days, choose, Daichi or Shiroe"

Do you know that kind of feeling when you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, yep I feel that way too like literally, any wrong move I make can ruin my friendship with Daichi, and we have only been friends for like three days straight and have known Shiroe for one year but I have to choose unless we would fail

"I chose................ " I sighed "Shiroe, he's more experienced"

"Good choice, Shiroe and Sakura I except you kids to train harder and nothing less"

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