Chapter 6

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"That's what you get for not having a heart"

"Sakura, what are you doing?" Daichi asked

"He deserves it"

'Doesn't he?, why does this feel so wrong, oh my goodness,what have I done?'

"Sakura, I need the key, oh my what's happening"

"Quick save him" I said, everything was happening so fast

"Are you sure?"


"Sorry, I'll save him" she said, as she lowered him into the fall with a soft thud, "Again, what happened?"

"I don't know, I guess I didn't think, I-"


"Hey, you probably deserved it, she was just returning the favor"

"Don't start with me Daichi"

"Would you two just shut up, I'm sure she has a good reason for this, right?"

"What reason is there?" Shiroe asked

"Hey, you did the same to her" Daichi answered

"At least I didn't bind her hands and legs"

I felt sick, 'why did I do that, I need to go before I throw up'

"Sakura, are you okay?" Suki asked

"Yes, of course, excuse me"

I ran out of the room, my mind was literally unfocused, with all this trauma and  everything that has happened today, you would think I would go to my room and rest my head on my pillow and try to forget today or maybe a take a shower, but no, for some apparently unknown reason I couldn't control my legs, heck I didn't even know where I was going, as long as it takes me away from that room, I know he deserved it but I should have resolved that in a proper manner atleast, I shouldn't have attempted murder, I could literally have gotten arrested or worst sent to prison, and I can assure you the prison isn't pretty, it looks more of a torture center instead of an actual jail.

I kept on walking until I saw a glass door, it looked hidden, maybe even invisible that no one would probably see it until they look closer, it looked inviting, I had to check, what's the worst that could happen, I have already gone through enough, I would have a small peek and then I would leave, no harm done.

I opened the door and entered quietly, careful sealing it behind me to not make any noise, and what I saw amazed me, the room was amazing, it was absolutely beautiful, the entire wall were made of glass and was carefully crafted, it had a huge sofa and a large monitor on the wall with pictures of many students, some of them were marked with a X sign, close to the sofa were some pieces of documents with our names on it, it looked like those houses that extremely rich people would own, like the house my parents would buy for themselves to 'hide' from us because they don't want to handle parenting, I kept on walking until I heard a voice, it sounded like the professot, like she was talking to someone, but the school had no access to people from the outside, the sound was getting closer, I had to hide but where, how I wish I learnt that illusion magic that Shitori bothered to tell me about.

"Psst, psst, come here"

"Shitori?, what are doing here?"

"That's my line, just come here" she said as she dragged me to a cabinet,
"we can hide here"

"The voice is getting louder" I whispered

"I know, how did you find this place?"

"No clue, I guess..."

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