Chapter 19

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

After a delicious dinner which James and Saint's mom put together, Saint declared that he felt tired and sleepy.

James offered to assist him to bed and give him a sponge bath in bed.

"No, no, no, that's fine," Saint refused hurriedly, "my mom will help me with that. But thank you for the offer."

"Are you sure?" James tried to insist.

"I'm absolutely sure," Saint replied.

"Okay, then, at least let me help you get into bed," said James, "here, put your arm across my shoulder and I will hold you by the waist."

Together James and Saint slowly made their way to Saint's room.

James slowly lowered Saint on to his bed and started to undo the button on his shirt.

"I can do it," said Saint, covering James' hand to stop his action.

"James," said Saint, looking at James squarely in the eye, "you have done more than enough for me today and I am really grateful. It is time for you to go home and get a good rest."

James looked hurt and disappointed, but nodded silently.

And then without warning, he bent and planted a kiss on Saint's forehead.

"Good night, Saint," he said, before turning away and leaving the room.

"Good night, James," Saint tried to say but James was no longer able to hear him because he had already hurried back into the living room to say good night and good bye to Saint's mom.

When James reached his house, he was surprised to see JJ standing outside the gate.

He parked his car in the driveway and stepped out to greet him.

"What the fuck, JJ, what are you doing here at this time of the night?"

"Is that how you greet a friend who comes to visit you?" JJ asked, his voice sounding hurt.

"Sorry, but you took me by surprise," said James, "you texted me that you were gonna call me, not visit me."

"I changed my mind," said JJ, "I missed you all day. Where have you been?"

When James remained silent, JJ continued, "Okay, if you don't tell me I'm going to assume that you've been with Saint the whole day."

"Why, JJ, why? Why do you want to know?"

"Because ... "

JJ did not finish his sentence. Instead, he grabbed James' neck and pulled him close and started to kiss him.

At first, James could not react because he was taken too much by surprise, but when he felt JJ's tongue trying to open his lips, he pushed JJ away.

"What the fuck was that for?" James demanded angrily.

"If you have to ask, obviously you're too blinded by your feelings for Saint, so I guess I better get going," said JJ in a gruff voice before turning away and making his way out into the street.

"Wait!" James called out.

JJ stopped in his tracks and waited for James to say something more.

"Do you have a ride home?" James asked.

"Don't bother," said JJ, "I will take a cab."

"What happened to your car?" James was curious.

"It's still in the repair shop," JJ replied, "it needed some parts replaced and the labor will take until tomorrow because I brought it in late in the afternoon."

"Come, get into my car," said James, "I will take you home."

"I said, don't bother. Didn't you hear me the first time?" JJ was now sounding upset.

James rushed over to JJ and grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him towards his car.

When JJ roughly pulled away, he must have made a stronger force than necessary because it made James stumble towards his chest.

James and JJ looked at each other wide eyed, their faces very close to each other, their lips almost touching.

"If you don't move away, I'm going to kiss you," JJ warned, but almost in a whisper.

JJ could feel James' heart pounding hard against JJ's chest.

When James did not move, JJ slowly lowered his head and placed his lips against James' lips.

The kiss started slow and gentle.

James could feel JJ holding back.

When James started to return the kiss, all of JJ's pent up emotions came rushing into the kiss.

He deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into James' mouth, tasting him fully, caressing his tongue with his, exploring all the insides of his mouth.

Then James and JJ had to break the kiss. They were both breathless, gasping for air.

"Do you love Saint?" JJ had to ask.

"Please don't ask me," James replied, "I'm very confused right now. Just let me bring you home for now."

"I guess, I will have to wait until you have your feelings sorted out," JJ sighed in resignation.

The drive to JJ's house was tense and silent. No one said a word along the way. It was a good fifteen minute drive.

James put on some music in his car.

JJ turned his face away, towards the window, when a song that both of them knew, that had a very emotional meaning, started to play.

When they reached the gate of JJ's house, JJ turned to say thank you to James for the ride.

Instead of saying, "you're welcome", James suddenly said, "How can you expect me to answer your question about Saint when you..." James cut himself short.

"When I... what?" JJ prompted James to continue his sentence.

James looked straight ahead, deep in thought, asking himself whether he should continue what he was going to say or not.

"What, James, what???" JJ was starting to get impatient.

Then James heaved a deep sigh and turned to JJ.

"...when you won't say a word about how you really feel about me," James said, his voice cracking near the end of his sentence.

"Do I even have to say it?" JJ sounded upset.

"I don't want to assume anything," James protested, "I want to hear you say it."

"I love you, James, I have loved you for a very long time, you blind unfeeling idiot."

With those words, JJ started kissing James all over again.

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