Teldryn x Raelyn

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It was an accident that this happened. A simple misunderstanding had lead both Raelyn AND Telderyn to be stuck in a closet together. Why here?

Well at the start of the day Kerr was scoffing down food and Ren was daydreaming about Thomas once again when Rae had met up with them, asking about what their plans were for the weekend as classes were only one or two today.
Kerr was headed to Hogsmead with some quiditch boys and Ren wasnt sure.

"So Rae....done anything about you know your T shirt?" Ren asked Rae as they walked down one of the corridors towards the library.
"...No....i dont know what to do hopeless" Rae sighed in a mess of words and Ren just gently laughed before hooking her arm through Raes.
"Cmon lets go and discuss hot celebs and drink all the tea we want." Ren said dragging Rae off towards one of the all house communal areas.

Once they reached it they were met with an odd sight. Soren and his friends were here as well and they were all currently watching both girls as they entered the room.
"Maybe this was a bad idea.." Rae trailed off when her gaze reached Telderyn and she quickly looked away when their eyes met. She could practically feel the smirk that he always wore. Ren gently tugged Rae to one of the windowed couches and they sat down with them facing each other.

"So what do you think of Hiddleston?" Ren asked as she pulled out her wand to bring their teas closer.
"Hes hot af but i think the guys a little lonely. No love interest that the media know of." Rae calmly stated as she reached for her green tea. Many a time had people looked at her oddly for how she looked like a pale emo but was drinking a herbal tea.
Ren was drinking some foreign tea and pulled out a magazine that she mustve stowed away when they came back from a trip out.

The two girls sat in silence just enjoying each others company. It had started to storm and they got wind from another conversation that Kerr was practising for the rest of the afternoon. Rae had drunk more herbal tea than she had for a long time but with how pretty the outside world looked through rain splattered windows it wasnt even a thought in her mind.

Until the silence was ruined by some other second years.
"So whats with the getup?" One of the girls asked and Rae saw that she was an exchange student.
"Well not much to it other than Rae likes to wear jeans when we dont have to be in uniform." Ren quickly cut in seeing that Rae with all her acts and masks felt very uncomfortable. It wasnt a thing noticed by any until you had known her for long enough that she fully opened up to you.

Rae barely registered the talking as she tried not to shrink into herself with all these questions. But when they asked about her family Rae stood so quickly that the second years jumped back in surprise.
"Excuse me for a moment." Was all Rae said before she left the room and quietly moved into one of the many random closets for coats outside of the common room. Ren knew that she needed space but was worried when Telderyn left soon after.

Raes breathing was ragged and she was trying to not have an oh so annoying panic attack. But when she heard a quiet barely there knock she gasped louder than intended before clamping her hands over her mouth to try and muffle her increasing breaths. But thats when the door opened and the stood a smirking Telderyn to others but Rae saw the tiniest glint of concern in his eyes.
"Rae?" His voice sounded so far away but when Telderyn gently and barely brushed his long fingers along her forearm Rae snapped back to breathing although she wasnt sure how Telderyn found her

"Easy breathe. Can you sit down?" His voice was smooth and Rae found herself listening like she would Kerr or Ren. Telderyn gently guided her down and squatted infront of her and oh so softly leant forward and brushed her fring out of Raes eyes. His deep maroon meeting her chocolate brown as he helped her calm her breathing.
"Shhhh...its ok. Breathe." Telderyn comforted unsure as he hadnt ever seen Rae like this. None had. Usually witty turned to this.

Raelyn tried to even out her breathing as much as she could whilst looking and being gently comforted by both her enemy and crush.

Finally when she had calmed enough she let a croaky "why?" To which Telderyn shrugged and mumbled something Rae couldnt make sense of.
"Do you need.....a hug?" He asked and Rae though she would die of embarrassment when her face flushed a deep red. A small nod was all she could let out and with that Telderyn gently picked her up under her shoulders so they could stand and uncertainly wrapped his arms around her softly as if she were made of glass.

"Thankyou." Was an almost silent statement Raelyn whispered before slowly untensing and slightly leant into Telderyn to which he tightened his arms around her more.
The two stood there in a comfortable silence until they heard Kerr and Ren chatting worriedly about Rae and she swore she heard Telderyn chuckle when he hears the others.
"Ill leave after you if you wish?" Was his simple statement that had Rae release a sigh she hadnt realised shed been holding in.

A small nod later and Rae had steppes out and almost ran to Kerr who enveloped the black haired girl in a tight protective hug that made her fake gasp for breath before they walked off. Telderyn steps out as soon as Rae had both of the slytherins attentions watching from afar how easily the fell into step with eachother and almost possesively protected Rae.

Sighing quietly to himself Telderyn savoures the feel and thought of Rae in his arms wishing that she could be as comfortable with him as her two friends but then again with what he did to felicity he understood her 'fear' that wasnt there or what she wouldnt admit to which he admired her bravery.

........For a Ravenclaw......

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