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She could stand the cold. After all her blood was that of a dragon. But this she didnt like. Being stuck frozen in a glacial cliff. How she got here was embarrassing to say the least, first she was trying to avoid her duties as she studied in a far off old nordic ruin. But then when her classmate tracked her down and tried to kill her she had turned. From a little inconspicuous argonian to a full blooded dragon pinning her enemy down as she crushed the life out of him.

She remembered watching the life leave her eyes as Cedar killed them. Horrified but thirsting for more Cedar flew herself into a deep ravine and cast a spell on herself to make her sleep an age. But she hadnt planned on waking in a glacier. Her fire reserves were low as she hadnt had brimestone or coals for well......an age. But all she had to focus her was a soft prodding at her tail. Seemingly it was the only part that had thawed at all and now someone or something was annoying it. Sighing internally she waited for them to stop. Only to hear or more so feel water start dripping down her spines and around her head. 

Clearly whatever anger she had left was still making her blood fire......which was melting the age old ice around her. Slowly she was able to move her claws, then her neck and head. Until finally with her remaining strength she flung her wings open shattering the ice. Looking down at her tail she could see the two scholars who had been protected from failing ice chunks by it. Sniffing at them before taking note they werent food, Cedar launched herself up painfully. Her wings had not been used thus lead to her straining to make her way out of the ravine and up into open sky.

As soon as the sun had hit her scales her body went from slow and sluggish to warm and powerful. Gleefully she banked right and headed towards her home far from people. A small glen hidden by mountains on all sides. The only other access point through a now long abandoned mine.

Landing in the overgrown grass she turned her head towards her home. It was as if time hadnt touched it, standing as proudly as it had when she left Cedar felt home at last. Shifting back to her argonian state she waded through the grass and into her home. Curling up on her warm pelts and beneath a thick blanket she sighed.

It felt good to be home

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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