25) Birthday Surprise

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up to the sound of snoring. It wasn't familiar so I sat up and looked to see who it was.

Mr. Aizawa was sitting on the couch, his head leaning back, snoring as he slept. I snickered and put the blanket on him.

I got up and showered before taking the bus to school. I sat on the bus and listened to music hoping no one knew what day it was today.

I walked into the school building kind of nervous and sat at my desk ignoring everyone.

If someone said something to me, I would pretend to not hear. I got a few conserved looks but I pretended to study or read.

At lunch, I sat alone for most of the time till all of class 1-A was around me asking questions like,

"What's wrong?"

"Did we do something?"

"Are you sick?"


"Can we cheer you up somehow?"

I looked down and shook my head. I didn't want them to know it was the day I was born or more precisely...hell.

Bakugo growled. "That's IT Zero!! You WILL tell us what the fuck is wrong and you'll tell us NOW!!!" I winced and covered my ears.

Midoriya sighed. "Calm down K-Kachan...let's give her space..." Bakugo glared at Midoriya. "Space?! Shes gotten that all DAY!!!"

Todoroki stepped in. "Maybe she needs peace. I know some of the rest of us do."

The class started arguing when Mr. Aizawa came up to me. The class imidently shut up. "(Y/n), you can't keep it a secret forever. Itll cause you to become depressed." He put a small box in front of me and gave a very rare, small smile. "Happy Birthday."

I put my head in my hands and trembled. This is when they yell at me and hit me and-

Mina squealed. "Oh!! (Y/n), we need to know these things!!!"

Midoriya smiled. "We're sorry for bothering you."

Iida waved his hand in front of his chest in a slicing motion. "Be happy today!"

Todoroki very bluntly stated, "happy birthday (L/n)."

Bakugo rolled his eyes stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I lifted my head and smiled a little wiping tears away from my eyes. I said my thanks and everything claimed down as everyone went back to their seats. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Uraraka stayed with me as lunch continued.

"Open your gift (Y/n)-Chan!" Uraraka smiled and hugged me tightly. She was very excited and her hugs were the best things ever! I opened the small box carefully and took out two necklaces. They were like BFF Necklaces but one half said, Dadzawa; the other half said, Tiny (Y/n).

I teared up and held the necklaces close. I had never gotten something so sweet before. I put the one with my name on it and wiped my eyes again.

Bakugo scoffed. "You're such a baby Zero." He said as I carefully put Aizawas half in my bag.

Midoriya smiled. "That's so cool! What do they say?"

I shrugged and smiled. He didn't seem to satisfied with that answer but he went with it.

Todoroki sighed. "You dont like your birthdays. Dont you." I looked down and shook my head.

___Flash Back___

I was six at the time. I was playing with my dolls and having a blast. I didn't realize it was my birthday that day till a few weeks after, but that day...is...when my life changed.

My mom and dad were out fighting villains and I was being taken care of by a maid. I really like that maid. She was fun and laughed at my jokes.

When I woke up from a nap one day, I walked into a hall just to do something interesting. I stopped when I saw the maid messing with a metal lock. "What are you doing?" I asked.

The maid jumped and looked at me sweetly, but there was bitterness to it. "I'm trying to get something your mommy and daddy left for me." She lied almost perfectly through her teeth. I didn't believe her.

"Why didn't they leave you the code to that safe then?" I asked messing with my dress. The maid growled and pulled my hair. "Tell me what the code is you little brat!" I winced and shook my head. "Not unless you play with me."

The maid looked over me for what seemed like forever. "What game do you want to play?" She asked forcing a smile. I smiled innocently. "Scavenger hunt! I'll hide the code and if you find it, you can keep it!"

The maid didn't like the answer but agreed. She took me to the kitchen and got me a drink before we played the game. I hide the code in my piggy bank and sat on my bed growing very tired. "She cant get it out without breaking it. Itll be safe...." I said falling asleep.

I woke up that night to my parents panicking. "Its gone!" My mother shouted.

I looked at my piggy bank to see it was broken. I was a light sleeper so...why didn't I wake up?!

My father charged into my room and-

"You brat!! What did you do?!!"

-hit me. That day is when I started to get abused. That day when I no longer felt loved....

___End of Flash Back___

Uraraka hugged me. "Its alright! You dont have to tell us! Please dont cry!" There was sadness in her voice and I shakily highed back.

Midoriya bit his lip. "I'm guessing you have a good reason to hate it...but...dont worry! We're here for you now!"

Todoroki nodded. "Let's exchange numbers."

And so we did. We all have funny or weird code names for each other. Well...except Midoriya. He just used our names.

When class was back in session, Uraraka went to the front of the class. She cleared her throat and smiled. "Hey everyone! I would like to do something before we start."

Everyone looked at her confused and she cleared her throat. "This is a little gift for (Y/n) because I didn't know till lunch like most of us." She took a deep breath and began to sing. He'd voice was loud, confident, clear, and absolutely beautiful.

"Today it is your birthday and we come to let you know, that you will be queen for the day. Whatever you say goes."

Mina joined in and her voice was a little lower bit still very beautiful.

"We sing for you to smile and we dance to see your glee. We celebrate your birthday and we bow before the queen."

They bowed elegantly.

I smiled and everyone started clapping. For me or them, I couldn't tell.

I ran over and hughed them both. 'Thank you! That was amazing!!' I signed. The smiled and highed back tightly as well.

For the rest of the day, I felt no need to get depressed or sad. I was just glad I had friends to be with that comforted me and made me laugh.

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