A shadow falls

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A shadow falls~

I ran out of the city. Running as fast as I could, ignoring the throbbing pain in my chest. I had to get away from here, anywhere away from them.

The sound of large metal feet pounding against the ground, echoing through the deserted streets behind me. I quickly hid behind a large boulder near the entrance of the forest, it wasn't long till the sound of metal feet arrived and stopped Infront of the boulder. 

I had the urge to peek from behind the boulder, I know. It's a crazy, and dangerous risk, but I took it. I slowly peeked my head from behind the boulder, a feeling of dread fell over me. There was not one, but five of those things.

I looked at the city, it looked worse than the last time I saw it. Fires now burned brightly from the buildings, black smoke polluted the sky. Some trees looked like they've been pulled out of the ground: roots and everything.

I guess I should explain to you about what happened here. This city, my home, was once peaceful, and by peaceful I mean that it wasn't invaded by robot aliens. As of right now. Unfortunately, they aren't made by Dr Robotnik, no the egg guy vanished off the face of Möbius when these guys arrived. No one knows where he is, and even if we do find him, I don't think he'll be the answer to this problem.

I glanced back at the robots, their red metal chests reflected horribly against the sunset. I pulled out my communicator that a yellow fox named Tails made. It looked like a Walkie talkie the size of a matchbox. Instead of pressing down a button to communicate like on a regular Walkie talkie, you have to place your index finger on this small screen.

"Hello? Y/N to base, is anyone there?" I whispered, making sure those robots couldn't hear me. No response. "Hello? Y/N to base, can anyone hear me?" I repeated that line again but it was no use. Maybe everyone has their hands full like me i thought. I silently cursed and strapped the communicator onto my wrist. 

Think Y/N, how are you going to get out of this?  I placed my hand  on my hip only to feel something cold. I lifted my shirt up a bit, only to see a dagger strapped to my belt. I looked back at the robots, careful not to get spotted, then at my dagger. I pulled my shirt over the blade.

A blade against something like that won't do. A distraction maybe? I searched my pockets for a grenade or something to throw, but my hands came out with nothing. I looked at the ground, a rock no bigger than my hand was lying a few centimetres away from me.

I sighed and picked it up. "This will have to do" I said. I looked back at the robots, they already began to search for me. Without hesitation, I threw the rock at a tree not so far from them, which got their attention, all except for one. I froze when I realised one of them was staring at me.

Run you idiot!  A voice in my head said. I stared into its red eyes, before turning around so fast, I almost fell over. As I ran, a horrible, static shriek could be heard, which I presume was made by the robot that discovered me.

I ran at top speed, but judging by the sounds of metal feet getting louder by the second, the bots were faster than me. I ran so far that my legs couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed to the ground. Everything went black, I could feel thin strands of grass brush against my face. I used my arms to slowly lift myself off the ground. I breathed heavily from exhaustion.

Black spots danced in my vision until they disappeared. I looked behind me and nearly had a heart attack, the robots caught me. I was surrounded. I started to crawl away from them until my back pressed against a tree trunk. I watched in horror as one of the robots pointed a gun at me.

That's when everything went fuzzy, I don't know what happened, but one of the robots collapsed on the ground, the robot that had its gun on me started firing. Something pushed me out of the guns range. I quickly crawled behind some bushes and watched as the robots fought a familiar face. It was shadow.

Three of the bots had already been taken down, leaving just two more. I watched as he took one of them down easily as if they were nothing. That is until he had to fight the last one. It happened so fast, first the bot attacked shadow with blades coming out from its fingers so they looked like long finger nails. 

Next thing I know the robot retreated, only to get blown up by what I think was a rocket launcher.

I slowly got up to my feet and got out of the bushes. "Shadow-?" I froze. He had a few wounds on his back, probably from that robots fingernail blades. He turned his head around a bit, just enough to be able to see me. He stayed silent for a moment before tossing an empty rocket launcher away. 

"Oh my- are you okay?" I asked as I rushed up to him, only to get stopped by him raising his hand Infront of me. "I'm fine" he said a bit sternly. Could he be angry because of me? "How did you find me?" I stared at one of the robots, its eyes no longer shined brightly as they used to. 

" I heard you on my communicator and tracked you down, next time, check if you are connected only  to headquarters and not to everyone else" he said as he lowered his hand, finding its way back to his side. "O-oh I....didn't know.." I stuttered. 

Great, not only was I supposed to contact headquarters, -the base where survivors like me go to- I contacted everyone in the defence team and everyone in the fighters team who had a communicator. Shadow grunted. "You might have been dead if I didn't come", "Wait, what do you mean if  you didn't come?"

He didn't answer. He started to walk away from me. "Wait! Where are you going?" He continued to walk but said: 

"To headquarters of course"

"But your-"

"Lets worry about that later, shall we?" 

I could of sworn I heard a hint of pain in his voice when he said that. Just as I was about to join him, he fainted, right on the ground Infront of me.

A/N: Hmmm....I think I see a story coming out from this..... Yes a story, bigger than this of course. I'm gonna use this for a story in the future. What do you think? 

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