Just the two of us

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*This has alot of Lion king references. Enjoy :)

Just the two of us~

"But moooooom! Do I have to?"

Whined a young female hedgehog, she has been giving her poor mother -the queen of a kingdom next to Canterlot- a rough time. Her little Princess, y/n, clearly doesn't want to visit the royal family that lived in Canterlot. Neither does she want to wear her f/c dress with a golden lace. 

"Sweetie please, it's only until dawn, then we can come back home"

Begged her mother. This argument between the child and the mother has been going on longer than it should have been. The child looked away and crossed her arms, along with a pouting face. The mother sighed, and kneeled down to her daughter's height. 

"......if you come to Canterlot with me you can have anything for desert when we come back....."

The young hedgehog faced her mother, she put a finger on her chin and hummed softly. As she thought about her mother's offer, her e/c orbs wandered around the room, before they rested on her mother's face.

"If I go, I get to have......f/d for dessert!"

Her mother smiled at her child before nodding her head, and taking her small hand in her's. They began to walk out of the throne room and up the stairs to the young ones room, while the little princesses excited voice could be heard talking about her friend that she will meet in Canterlot.


As soon as y/n and her parents stepped out of the carriage, they were greeted by the king and queen of Canterlot, but no sign of y/n's friend. She asked the two royal parents if they knew where he was, but they answered with this: 

"we haven't seen him all day except for him running around the castle and back into the garden"

This made y/n suspicious. When he disappears, it usually means he's up to something. But what? y/n didn't know, but she hoped it wasn't one of his pranks or anything. And so here she is sitting In between her parents at a dinning table, waiting for her friend to make one of his dramatic entrances as well as listening to the conversation between her parents and his.

And that's when it happened. The doors suddenly swung open as a blue blur zoomed through them as well as a gust of wind. And there he stood on top of the dinning table with his arms spread apart while a cheesy smile found its way to his face.

"So wadd'ya think of that entrance?" 

A small smile appeared on her face as well as his, only his got bigger. The 'dramatic entrances' has become a thing for the little quickster. Every time when they meet, he makes a dramatic entrance and y/n gives her opinion on it. But he can take the dramatic entrances a bit too seriously sometimes. 


His face expression was a mix of shock and surprisement, which was pretty amusing to y/n.

"Aw what?! But, you have to admit that that was unexpected right?" 

She looked at the cobblestone floor and shook her head, before looking up at her blue friend again. 

"Nah, I was sorta expecting it" 

She watched as his arms dropped by his side as his eyes narrowed. 

"Yeah whatever..." 

He jumped off the dining table and turned to look at his parents, his smile returning to his face.

"Hey mum, dad, can I take y/n with me to the garden?"

His parents looked at each other before looking at y/n's parents. 

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