Chapter 3

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A week later

Today is the day I'm supposed to box against this "undefeated" big bitch. I've seen her fight. Even though she's bigger I can still beat her. I know her weakness. She gets tired quickly but she punches hard ass fuck all I have to do is dodge as many punches from her to get her tired. And when she tired I can just punch her until she falls. I got a lot of anger to let out so imma leave this bitch leakin' and probably a broken nose too. I'm finna have this bitch onna floor like dababy (my husband) had that nigga camcoldheart.

I went grocery shopping earlier . I mostly bought snacks, hot chips and bacon. This might sound weird but ion eat watermelon, burgers, potato salad or macaroni. They just sooo nasty to me.

Anyways, me and Reggie have been getting to know each other over the past week. I found out that he is the biggest gang leader in Chicago. Every nigga I know is a gang leader or some shii. It's mad weird. He said that he came to stl to "handle some business". I know this nigga didn't come here to do no "business".

Knowing damn well he came here to kill a nigga he probably had beef with. I mean I'm not mad. Gotta do what you gotta do and plus knowing I got a "friend" that can kill somebody is dope asf. Shit like dat low key turns me on.

He said people call him mean but he didn't seem mean when we met. He said he wasn't the type to come at women aggressive and rude, even though some girls like it. He told me that he wasn't raised like that he said he was raised to treat a women with respect and kindness. Nigga prolly lyin.

He's back in Chicago ever since then we've been Face Timing each other. I wanna link doe.


It is now 7:00 and my boxing match starts at 8:00. I'm at the boxing place currently eating a pickle getting ready.

Pickles are really good ass fuck.

Im preparing for the fight. I'm listening to FREEDDAWG that's the song I listen to before I get before I box. It helps me wanna express my anger even more.

"Jayla, you need to go put on your boxing gear it's 7:45." My coach said. My coach is like an uncle to me. He's about 5'11 and he's 41 years old with a couple of gray hairs.

My favorite colors are red and black. I put on my red and black everlast shorts with my red and black everlast boxing.


I'm currently bleeding out of my nose. It's round 4 it's a tie. Y'all best believe Imma win the next rounds. I won two rounds and she won two. The last match was going to be the tie breaker.

*ding ding ding*

I start to dodge her punches. she's breathing very hard look like she finna pass out.

Knowing that she's getting tired I punch her in the face a couple of times before she falls down. She has a busted lip and I'm pretty sure her nose is broken.

The announcer states who wins which is me.
Ion like to get big headed when I win. So I just smile and leave.

My name in boxing is "red" I never revealed my real name because I don't want anyone to know i box because my family doesn't like for me to box. I had asked them when I was 11 to sign me up boxing they had said no because it was a dangerous thing to do. I still decided to box. I just kept it a secret.

I pull up to my house and I notice a car in front of it. I'm so tired of my pussy ass neighbors parking in front of my house. Too tired to yell at them I walk up the stairs to my house.

My body is aching because when I was boxing that bitch managed to get a few hits off of me. My lip is busted and I have a bruise on my right cheek. I have a couple of bruises on my stomach but you can barely see them.

As I walk into my house I notice that my door is unlocked. Whoever in this bitch better know how to fight because I'm ready for what ever.

As I sat my things down I see that the person in my house is somebody I never expected.

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