Chapter 2

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I wake up from my sleep and saw a guy beside me he was really handsome our face was only an inch apart then that giy suddenly wake up and said "im sorry actually i just saw you sleeping really uncomfortable so i leaned your head on my shoulders and accidentaly sleep on your head" "um its ok, its fine and thank you l" then i checked my watch and saw it was now 7:30 so i got up and carried my things when suddenly he ask "excuse me but whats your name?" "y/n" i said and then i walked away when i stepped foot at the room i saw my brothers and then they shouted "EVERYONE GET OUT FROM THIS ROOM EXCEPT THIS GARBAGE!!!" they said then everyone in the class started to go out and jin said "a garbage like you can never be treated with love and care thats why no one will love you " he said because of what jin
said tears started falling from my eyes then jim slapped me and kick me in my stomach and the rest just followed what he did finally they had stop when i was now on the floor sitting and trying to stand up i walked to the nurse room and then i saw no one there so i went at the bed and sleep. Time passed by quite fast when i wake up i felt pain in my stomach i checked my watch what time is it and saw that is already 4 in the afternoon and class is already finished so i went to my classroom and went in to get my school bag on my way to the exit of the school i saw the quenka Jennie with her minions she then slap me and whisper to me "stay away from my oppas garbage or you will taste hell" and she bumped at my shoulders and left me alone at the hallway i let out a heavy sigh from my mouth and started walking to go home i remembered about the offer from an employee of sm and it comes to my mind to finally audition there is nothing bad auditioning right so why not try audition, so i search the card in my pocket and save the number on my phone i planned on calling wheni get home  so i put back the card on my pocket and walked home, when i got in i saw my brothers doing nothing not noticing my presence so i directly went to my room and called for the company and they picked up the phone "umm... Hi is this SM Entertainment i am calling" "um.. Yes it is miss???" " y/n umm.. I was wondering a guy from your company gave me your business card and told me to call" " oh you are the girl the director told as about" " ah ne i am i was wondering on how to audition" "actually the director told us that you dont need to audition just come here tomorrow to sign the contract for you to become a trainee" "umm sure ill come there tomorrow thank you" i said and turn the call off.

Hoseok POV
While i was passing by y/n's room i heard her conversation at the phone and it was about her being a trainee in SM ent. i was really shocked about what i heard so i decided on telling the hyungs tonight.

So after the phone call i change my clothes into something comfortable and went directly to the kitchen to made dinner when on my way i felt dizzy and my view was blurring so i clunch my head and massage it a little and then went to get the pan and then i fell on my feet.

Taehyung POV
I was on the couch with jungkook suddenly jungkook and i heard a noise coming from the kitchen so jungkook told me to go and check it out aish this kid how can he order me his hyung to check it out i walked towards the kitchen and saw y/n sitting on the floor while clutching her head "yah can you be more quite while cooking your disturbing us" i said while shouting at her angrily and then went to the living room and plop beside jungkook at the couch.


I then got up of my foot and started cooking when i finishedi ready the table for them to eat then went to my room with a lunch box with me and then ate at my room and put the lunch box at the table in my room and went to sleep.

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