Chapter 3

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Early in the morning
Kring kring~~~
My clock rang trying to wake me up for school i then got up and did my morning routine after that i change into my school uniform and ready my things to go to school it is still 5 at the morning and now i am cooking breakfast for my brothers then grab an apple and drink some milk and got out to go to school, i walked to school and then at the front gates of the school i bumped to someone and i bowed as an apology and when i saw the person that i bumped to i was shocked it was one of my biggest bullies in school Mark Tuan the one and only he is the most fearest one of his gang since he is an expert martial artist, i decided to run but he grab my wrist and then dragged me to their hideout i hissed as i notice my wrist developing a bruise then he threw me at the floor and his members saw me and i saw them smirk at my situation then i felt my head hurt and my sight blury and then i black out.

Mark POV
I threw her at the floor then suddenly she fainted i said to her "yah stop acting wake up yah" i said then i checked her and saw her eyes close i ahaked her but she didint wake up then i saw blood coming out from her mouth and the guys stand up then jackson ask "hyung you didint even hit her yet but she is now unconcious" "she's acting hyung" said bambam and i said "i dont think shes not lets bring her to the hospital right now" i said panicking i carried her bridal style and got to the parking lot and open the door of my car and put her at the passengers seat and drove to the hospital and when we got there i ask for help and saw a doctor and a nurse running to my direction with a hospital bed with them and they took her away from me and brought her to the Emergency room a few minutes later the doctor came out from the room and told me what happened to her he said that she had suffered alot from her injuries and had alot of scars on her back and told me that she may had develop a really bad disease i was shock as i heard that so i asked him if i can visit her now and he told me that i can see her now but she is still unconcious i had never know that she suffered a lot i shouldnt have treated you like a trash "im sorry i should have treated you better, if only i know that you suffered so much"

I heard someone spoke to me saying "im sorry i should have treated you better, if only i know that you suffered so much" so i tried to open my eyes and got surprised by the light that had struck my eyes and then i turn my head towards the one who is speaking to me and i was shock to see my bully Mark Tuan then i spoke and said "then you should have not done that in the first place pabo" i said while laughing a little "yah even if i am sorry i am still your bully and i still hate you dont expect to much" "arasso but really thank you so much for saving me" i said giving him a smile "but where is my glasses?" i ask and he said "it might had fell when i was carrying you here" "oh i see, you should go now and me too i should go since i have someone to meet" i said and got up then get my clothes and change into my uniform.

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