Chapter 6

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(Here's a nice long one)


"We thought that this year we could hold our Mabon ball during Lammas instead. That way you and Eris could be wedded on Mabon. A symbol to the people that our two kingdoms will be prosperious", her Ladyship explains. Now that the two of us girls are alone in eachother's company that empty look in her eyes seemed to fill with soft light. The dying embers of what used to be a soul that burned like the sun. At least those where the stories mother would tell me of her Lady before she came to live with Father.

"That sounds wonderful. I'll then have the chance to be formally introduced to everyone in court before the wedding", I smile to be polite, but smie at the idea of a wedding filled with warm colours. "Will I be able to choose my wedding colours?"

"As long as gold is involved, then yes", she nods. "Gold is a nessesity at a Autumn wedding."

"Of course", I laugh softly before we silently walk down the many hallways benieth the world.

"Are we allowed to go out and get some fresh air?", I ask. A bit of worry in my voice. Hoping that I would still be free to see the sky once in a while.

"Of course, but with a guard escort only", she sighs. "The reason I walk myself tired down here. At least like this I don't need to watch myself as much."

Bold of her to admit.

". . . Eris came to see me last night", the guilt of it has been pressing in on me the moment she had come to collect me to join her for breakfast. "Nothing happened. I sware, he just. . . he wanted me alone and I feel like I should tell someone so that they know the truth if gossip starts."

She simply smiles. "I believe you Dear. I know my sons. Eris having the most self control out of any of them. Frankly I don't know which side of the family he's gotten it from. Of course, I am sure you are well aware of the rumours of his "visits" with less then stellar women in court."

"The penlty of loosing virginity is not as pricey for males as it is for us", I sigh.

"Indeed", she agrees whole heartedly. "And you don't need to worry of rumours. The wedding is as good as done in the eyes of the court."

I shiver a bit and pull the shawl I have around my body a bit tighter.

"What do you think of my son?", she asks with worried laced there.

"I'm not sure", I hum tilting my head as I try to recall him. Not as hard as I wish it was. "He's cold to the touch, but he burns. Ambisious, and sure of himself. Still it all feels like a mask. Forgive me for saying so but he looks very lonley in my eyes. Even if he wont admit it."

"You see all that?", she asks with hope. "You see far more then most are willing too."

"I think many people only see what they want to", I sigh. "Maybe even me. Maybe I'm looking for the good in him because I don't want to except that I'm being married off to someone who wont ever love me back."

"Perhapes", his mother nods. "I was much like that in the beginning. Oh how wrong I was."

"Is Eris a lot like his father?", I ask and she flinches.

"I - I did my best to try and see that he wouldn't. That none of my boys would be twisted by my husband, but there was little I could do. As soon as they became of age he sent them away to war camps to be trained. I was only ever allowed to ween them and see over their education", she murmurs with a sad look in her eyes. "I used to see so much of myself in Eris. He was such a happy baby. So much life and light. Getting into so much trouble, but that mischeif angered his father beyond belief. No child of his would be a nusances. So he uprooted that innocent joy."

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