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(A/n) I wrote this so long ago . So it's super cringe at first 😭

(Zion's POV) 5:00 -me and the boys just got back from the studio .. Nick is unlocking the door "hurry up Nick" Edwin says tired and wanting to get inside "don't rush me " Nick says back "move let me do it" Austin says pushing Nick out the way and grabbing the keys and unlocking the door "fine" nick says .. Then Austin unlocks the door "see Nick that's how you unlock a door" Austin says opening the door "shut up" Nick says ... "home sweet home" I say taking my shoes off ... "where's simba ?" Brandon says looking around "I don't know usually he be right here at the door and he didn't even bark when we pulled up" I say starting to worry "Simba" Nick and Austin yell "come here boy " I say .. "umm guys the back door is open " Edwin says pointing at the door "oh no simba much have escaped " I say grabbing putting my shoes on .. We all go outside "OK Brandon and Nick go left , Edwin and Austin go right.. I'll go up the street ... "You sure you wanna go by yourself z " Brandon says "yes I'm sure thanks " .. Then we all split up

IT'S been 4 hours of looking and still no sign of Simba .. We all arrive back at the house "what am gonna do " I say almost about to cry "he's like my best friend mann " I say pushing my dreads back with my hands "it's gonna be fine Man honestly we will fined him" Edwin says patting my back

(Ariana's POV) -right now it's 9:14 and I'm driving  back to my apartment from my photoshoot I just did .. I moved down here to LA to become a model ! I have lived her for 1 year and my modeling career is doing great .. As I'm at a red light  I see the cutest dog sitting on the sidewalk .. He looks sad .. So I park my car on the side and go to the dog .. "hi doggie dog " I say petting him slowly just in case he bites .. "aww your nice dogg " I say "do you have a name or a owner lets check your collar " I lift his head up and check his red collar "Simba hi simba and there's an address " I say looking at him "let's go take you back to your home" I say picking him up and putting him in my car ..

(Zion's POV) -its about 10 minutes and I'm sitting on the couch..  everyone else went to sleep but I can't sleep knowing simba is out there still missing 😢 I hear a knock at the door .. I open the door and see the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen holding simba "omg simba " I say grabbing him and spinning him around and kissing him and girl chuckles "thank you so much " I tell the girl "your welcome I just saw him on the sidewalk like 10 minutes away " she says smiling "um I don't how to thank you enough really thank you " I say putting simba on the floor "oh no it's fine I'm glad I could help " she says smiling "well I'm gonna go " she says waving and turning around "wait. I didn't get your name and can I maybe have your number .. " I say "my name is Ariana Diaz and yeah " she hands me her phone .. I put it in and put my name under Future Boyfriend😍😊   "future boyfriend huh" she says looking at her phone smiling "yeah just wait Ma just wait I say "OK I'll hold you to that then lover boy " she saids "oh what's your name " she says pointing at me "Zion well Caleb , Zion's my middle name but that's what I go by " I tell her "OK Caleb Zion ." she says "well I'm gonna go it was nice meeting you " she says smiling "thank u again and great meeting you " I tell her "oh and you to simba I'll see you when I see you " she says petting him "bye " I say "bye bye " she says

(ARIANA POV ) -its the next day and it's 11:27 and I'm just waking up and couldn't go to sleep that boy Caleb well Zion he was so nice and funny and cute .. Well I need to get in the shower
30 minutes later I just got done showering and getting dressed and doing my makeup .. I have on an MTV shirt with jeans and custom vans ....


Future Boyfriend😍😊 -u should come over today !!!
ME -ok when future Boyfriend😍😊 -right now
ME -ok omw😁

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