What is this place?
A cruel world we live in,
Expectant of getting better without contributing!
Different nations, separate religions, odd beliefs and different symbols;
One thing in common,
A God to whom we worship.
What a world!
A place we made violent, abusive and an enemy.Haven't we already turned on each other -
For stupid reasons.
Fighting over future leaders and parties, that mean us no good;
Slaughtering our brothers and sisters while they come together and laugh at us.
Foolish followers that's what we are!
Do we not see this world, the one we turned into a battlefield?Is this a world we want to continue living in, fighting against each other?
A world where freedom of speech is a sin,
Actual sins are foreign to us.
We are enslaved by each other yet it is alright to do so.
This place where some men are monsters preying on young girls,
The women in their lives are contributory factors.
People disappearing without ever returning.Is this a world we want to continue living in, constantly looking over our shoulders in fear?
Oh! What a world it would be if things were simpler!
Crime and violence diminished-
Equality amongst ourselves and valuing our friends more than cloaked enemies.
A place where opinions and lives matter more than money;
Where all is well.
What a world it would be!
PoetryI'm just a girl who feels so many emotions due to constant events in my life😖. Never exactly sure how to feel or act and be myself, self conscious of how others see me😓. Poetry is art and art works are as calming as rain. Writing gives me peace...