Calling(A Yaoi Story)(BoyxBoy)

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Calling(A Yaoi Story)(BoyxBoy)

Prologue- The Dreamer

The world is divided by lands of creatures. Dragons that sour overhead to unicorns that prance through the valleys and streams. A world full of magic and mystery. Mysterious that everyone wants so badly to understand.

I was always told that was what the world was like. My grandfather would stay up late, holding open a book of fairy tales and teaching me every word like it was the Bible. I laughed and would always point to the pictures as I sat in his lap. I couldn’t quite understand it as I kid but I did understand it was something amazing. 

Ever since then I have dreamed and studied the lands of fantasy. I was always trying to find a way to prove they existed. Not only for everyone else but also for me. I had never seen such a land but I was determined to find it. 

All my friends would laugh and call me a dreamer but I knew that it existed. Somewhere, even if it was just in my imagination, I believed it was really real. I just had to find it. Somewhere out there sat my castle in the sky.

I would go to the rooftops during school, drawing the sky and placing in them dragons and griffons. On the ground I drew giant mountains and unicorns running on the grasses. I imagined every drawing I created in my head and smiled as it played like a movie in my imagination. Oh how great it would be to be there.

My imagination was stopped when I suddenly made out a shadow that blocked my sun. As I opened my eyes I looked up to find a silver-haired boy looming over me, looking at my drawing. I hugged it to my chest, defending my work. I was shy about my artwork and never shared with anyone. Let alone a boy I didn’t even know.

“You have very good drawing skills. You could show our art teacher a thing or two.” he chuckled as he stood up straight.

“What? No way! I’m no where near as good as Mrs.Phillips.”

“I’m serious. I think you have talent. I don’t say anything unless I mean it.”

That was when I remembered him. The boy who was always serious. The genius silver-haired boy who always got what seemed like perfect grades. The boy who had it all. 

“Ivan Holt!” I yelled, standing to my feet.

I seemed to get so nervous standing around such a popular guy. I was always the slacker who always cut class and made the bad grades. I didn’t have anything anybody desired. Nothing about me was really special. Just a normal high school kid.

“And the dreamer, Samuel Perry.” he replied.

I was shocked he even knew my name. I nodded as I closed my sketchbook to assure that he would no longer look at my drawings. I clutched it to my chest and closed my eyes as I felt the wind blow through my purple-dyed hair. My mom told me to do it saying I looked more like a rock star.

“Did you know that those dreams of yours are real?” he asked me, with surprising interest.

“What?! You’ve seen it?”

“I have. Many times.”

“Where? How do you find it?”

“Simply wish it to be there and unlock the door.”

Suddenly, as if it was magic, he disappeared. Where did he go and why did he come here? How do I unlock the door? I clutched the sketchbook in my left hand and put my hand over my heart in a fist.

“I wish to see you. Please show me to way to the land of magic.” I said in my hand.

While I was thinking I was back in my small hometown, it turns out I was in a whole new place entirely. I was surrounded by large fields of green grass and forests. In the distance I could see tall mountains and smoke rising from a distant volcano. I turned around to face a man in silver armor.

The man was tall and built, about twice my size. I backed up a bit and put my hands in the air to prove I hadn’t done anything wrong. He smirked and crossed his arms. What was he gonna do?

“Where did you come from?” he asked, looking at me as if I were a space alien.

“Umm Planet Earth?” I answered, shyly.

“You earthlings. We’ve come in contact with your kind before. I am Sir Isaac of the Palace Guard. What is your name earthling?”

“Samuel Perry but you can call me Sam.”

“Sir Sam. We have been awaiting your presence for a long time.” 

Like a knight would to his lord he put his metal hand into a fist and pounded the right part of his chest armor. I was so confused. So I was in a strange land just by wishing it? This knight just called me sir and now he’s saluting me? The big shocker though was that Ivan knew all about this!

“The prince had a vision that you would come. He wishes to speak with you.”

“Then take me too him Sir Isaac!” I said commandingly.

It was nice to be in charge for once. The more I looked around though the more I began to remember this place. How did I remember every detail? How did I know this place at all?

When we arrived at the palace I was surrounded by a giant building that I again had seen before. It was completely made of stone blocks and must be at least a few stories tall. A huge feat for this day and age. I was caught in the Middle Age time, waiting to see the prince of whatever land this was.

The knight opened the door for me and I stepped inside the large corridor. When I reached the end I opened up another set of large doors and found myself in the throne room. When I walked closer I examined the prince who sat on the smaller chair. Someone I had just met today. Ivan!

“Welcome to my palace. It appears we have much to discuss.”

Yes many things. Like how would wishing get me all the way here? Where is here? Can I ever get back home? Why is Ivan at both places and finally who is he really?

Although something inside me told me to trust him. Something that was also beating inside my chest.

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