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At Police Station

Amrutha can't able for Akash Question

Police asked them

Police : If you both argument over, Will you please tell me what you decide?

Akash : Sir, First you take 20 lakhs, I will arrange 10 lakhs later.

Amrutha : Sir, Don't take his money.I am the one who did this Murder, You can file case on me.Leave him..

Akash : Amrutha, Will you Shut up for sometime.

Police said to them

Police : See, Even it is Self Defense also, It is Murder only.If once case got filled on both of you, Life long you have to go round on Courts.Not 20 Lakhs, Give 30..I will close this Case.

Akash : Sir,First take 20 Lakshs,Give me 2 weeks time I will arrange remaining money.

Akash : Sir,First take 20 Lakshs,Give me 2 weeks time I will arrange remaining money

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Police : How I have to trust you?

Akash : Sir, I am living in this city only.If I didn't give money, You can arrest me anytime.

On that Constable came there and said with happiness

Constable : Sir, My Bava is alive only, He came to house also just now I got call.

Akash and Amrutha became shock on heard this and Constable said to them

Constable : Why you both still here? There will be no more case on you.You can leave.

Akash and Amrutha glared at Police on heard this.

That Police said to them

Police : Ok,, No need of 30 Lakhs.. You can give 20 lakhs

Akash : Sir!!

Akash about to shout for this, But Amrutha stopped him and said to that Police

Amrutha : He won't give one Paisa also..

Police : Do you know with whom you are talking?

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Police : Do you know with whom you are talking?

Amrutha spoke with base voice

Amrutha : I am leaving along with Akash.If you have any dare, stop me..Come, Akash!!

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