Amrutha is Strength

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At Night

Akash : You don't know what you want in your life? We have only one life, Amrutha..Learn how to live.

Amrutha : I am also saying that only, Learn some Serious in your life, Akash

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Amrutha : I am also saying that only, Learn some Serious in your life, Akash..We have only one life..

On that time, Rekha called Amrutha

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On that time, Rekha called Amrutha

Rekha : Akka, Mamaya came to Hospital

Amrutha went to meet Her Mamaya and Akash also following her

Amrutha's Mamaya Deva asked Amrutha

Deva : How is Amma now?

Amrutha : She is Stable, Mamaya

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Amrutha : She is Stable, Mamaya..Nothing to worry.

Deva : Sorry , Heavy Rain was there in Vizag..When I travelled by road, it took so much time to reach here.

Amrutha : No Problem Mamaya, Amma is fine now..Rekha unnecessarily make you worry.

Deva : She did Good thing, I also want to meet you all.Can I talk to Doctor?

Amrutha : Sure, Mamaya..I will go and ask Doctor, You wait here, I will be back.

Amrutha went inside to talk with Doctor.

On that time,Akash came to Rekha and Ammama

Akash : Ammama, Rekha Bye....

Rekha : What happened, Bava? Why you are going now?

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Rekha : What happened, Bava? Why you are going now?

Deva recognized on seeing Akash and asked Rekha

Deva : Rekha, He is Akash right? Today Evening Amrutha went to meet him for match making.

Rekha : Yes, Mamaya..

Deva : What he is doing here? That means this match got fixed.

Ammama : Then What!! He came to Hospital along with Amrutha to see her mother, That means this marriage was fixed.

Deva felt happy for this and said to Akash

Deva : Hi Akash, I am Deva, Amurtha's Mamaya. I am living in Vizag.

Akash : Nice Meet you, Sir..

Deva : I want to talk with you, Please come with me.

Akash about to stop Deva but he went out, so he also followed him.

Akash and Deva came to Hospital Balcony

Deva : So, Akash where you are working?

Akash : Actually I am working in google as Software Professional.

Deva : What you know about Amrutha?

Akash : That was..

Deva : You know, You are very Luckiest man that you got Amrutha. Seriously say, No man can deserve her.

Akash became confuse for this

Deva : When Amrutha was 12 years old, her father was dead. At that age, Every child will feel our father is there,He wil take care of us.But at that small age, Amrutha got to know how it feels when father was not there to take care of her.

But at that small age, Amrutha got to know how it feels when father was not there to take care of her

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Akash became sad on heard this

Deva : On that time, I started new Business, I was not in position to take care of them,When I said to Amrutha this.You know what that 12 Years old Girl said to me " It's ok Mamaya, Don't worry, I am there, Right? I will take care of Eveything." After completing classes in school, Amrutha was used to give To Tuitions to 40, 50 Students, With that money she was taking care of her family.

Akash became shock on heard this

Deva : After some years, I was in good Position. I asked her to come with me, But Amrutha said" Mamaya, now you are in good Position, you can take care of us now.By God grace, You have to be like this forever, But If you suddenly can't able to take care of us, What will be our Position? It's ok, Mamya, I am there, Right? I will take care of Everything".That is Our Amrutha

Akash felt nice on heard this

Deva : From her Childhood onwards, Amrutha how much Pain, Fear is there, she kept that inside her and became Strength to her Family.Amrutha is not only Daughter to them, Amrutha is Strength to that Family.

Deva : Why I am telling you this? You have to know What is Amrutha!!

On that time ,Amrutha came to Deva and said to him that Doctor is calling him,he went inside.

Akash looking at Amrutha like admiring..

Amrutha glared at Akash and went inside

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Amrutha glared at Akash and went inside.

Amrutha glared at Akash and went inside

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Precap : Amrutha angry on Akash..

Forgive me If any Mistakes are there..

Pics Credit to Google

Next Update must be Ending Part, I think..

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Loves You All..💕💕

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