Prologue: The Creation of Existence

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Once upon nowhen and nowhere, there was The Creator. Only They exist within the timeless, spaceless dimension, everything else was nothing.

The Creator had slumbered since never, but They decided to awaken themself, breaking away from the endless, mundane loop of nothingness.

For the first time, The Creator had desires.

"This emptiness shan't remaineth f'r et'rnity. This the same as mine own catch but a wink, all but nothingness. What is something, I wond'r? Or p'rhaps the something might cometh from nothing?"

As if the nothingness was under The Creator's control, something emerged from it. Something bright, that divided the nothingness into two sides, the light and the dark.

"If th're wast this something oth'r than nothing, th're might not but beest m're somethings somewh're! I wanteth things to changeth!"

More brightness spawned out of nothing. In fact, those bright things were everywhere, and were flickering whenever They felt like it.

Time and Space were created.

However The Creator was not omnipotent, They couldn't change something definite...

"Nothing is perfect, and never will. In fact, NOTHING is the only form of transcendental perfection, and will always be, because NOTHING is made out of nothing."

Residues of Their flaws in creating took the form of ice, dirt, smoke and dust. The debris  floated in miniscule specks here and there. The flaws were unavoidable, even for The Creator.

"Hark! So much unwant'd filth! Gath'r it all togeth'r, near somewh're bright so I can spoteth it easily!"

And so did the impurities gather in the form of a ball. But the ball was compacted so tightly that even the closest light to it made it easily unnoticeable. Yet, The Creator took an interest upon the flawed dirt ball.

"This tiny thing h're hast piqu'd mine own int'rest. I shalt p'rfect it to mine own utmost desires!"

Hence, that tiny dirt ball was made into a world of life, hopes, dreams, and of perfection. Also known as...


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