Chapter I: Eden

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A flaming fireball hung high in the clear blue sky. Despite looking small, it produced blinding, scorching rays. Gigantic fluffy clouds loosely filled the space above, blocking out the penetrating sunlight. Rivers in the plains had gentle flows that soothes ears. Waves of water gently enveloped themselves onto the shore of bays while mercilessly crashing into the sides of capes.

Gentle breezes of wind brushed through the verdant leaves of various trees, which produced a rustling, jumbled yet harmonious symphony. Tall waterfalls by the mountains with a constant flow of water created a soothing background noise.

In the depths of a humongous forest, nymphs and forest spirits were playing a game of tag, fairies tended themselves to lunch on toadstools. Horses gallops across the wide lush fields, enjoying endless freedom roaming here and there.

Butterflies and bees fluttered and buzzed, pollinating the countless species of flowers and blossoming trees. The sweet smell of nectar lingered throughout the air. It is the indication of the beginning of spring.

Ah~ It's quite comfortable lying down here during a cloudy and breezy day. Carrying the sweet smell of spring, along with the sound of a calm river. What can be ever more relaxing than thi-


Urgh... Don't wake me up. Never mind that, don't simply barge in when someone's having a great time relaxi-

Hello? Are you conscious?

Oh, for crying out loud! What is i-

She opened her eyes.

A young man entered her view. He had light blue eyes as clear as the sky itself. His black-blue hair danced to the rhythm of the wind breezing by. He had a slightly rugged and chiseled body with a bit of a tan from the exposure to the sun. He wore nothing but a linen robe held together securely with another strip of azure cloth, along with a leather pad on his left shoulder.

Who in the world is this guy? Why is he so close?

"Phew~ I thought you were a goner for sure. I've been trying to wake you up since... forever!" The same familiar voice rang through her ears.

The girl sat upright immediately. She could feel the cold water running through her left hand, and turned to look into the river by instinct. Her reddish-golden hair so long, it dropped all the way into the water.

Staring back at the girl was a young face with vibrant pink eyes and flawless skin. She stood up and inspected her own body. She had the body of any typical ideal female adolescent: moderate sized breasts, small waist, long legs, hairless and smooth skin. As for her clothes, she only had a thin silk dress with a pink sash just above her hip and a delicate olive wreath on her head. Nothing more, nothing less.

"You look funny when you turned left and right checking yourself." The young man spoke to her as he sat down on the grass cross-legged.

Frantically, the girl looked around, picked up a tiny stick. She pointed the obviously blunt, harmless object towards the stranger.

"Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you? What are you doing next to me?" she cried.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, lady. One question at a time. Anyways, I am Adam. And the one who claimed themself as 'The Creator' told me that this place was named Eden." Adam replied to her politely.

"You still haven't answered who I am and why I'm here!" She lifted up the stick higher while trying to ignore her trembling legs. "Answer me! Or... or... I'll get you with this!"

Adam deadpanned. "Young mistress, thine identity is Eve.  I wast did request to beest thy protecteth'r f'r as longeth as mine own soul exists."

Adam stopped being sarcastic and shrugged. "Are you satisfied now, Eeeeeeve?" He heavily emphasised her name.

Eve stood as still as a statue for a moment. She has a blank expression in her eyes, her face went pale as well. The stick in her hands dropped out of the loose clutches.

Eve? Am I Eve? Was I even Eve before I arrive here? Ahhh... My mind's all hazy... My vision is getting blurry... I couldn't hear well too... Can't... think... straig...



Hello? Eden to Miss Eve?

Eve!? You okay?

Eve!!! Say something!!!


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