Chapter II: Vagrant

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Dear, it's storytime!

A calming tone echoed clearly.

A woman's voice? Sounds familiar...

Yay! What are we reading today?

A girl? She seems to be very young and energetic by listening to her tone.

Try and guess, little pumpkin.

The woman chuckles after she said that.

The girl paused for a while, and said...

Is it my favourite story?

Indeed it is! You're so smart!!

The voices began to trail away after the woman praised the girl.

Ugh... Those distorted blanks are seriously hurting my head...


Cold, fresh river water greeted Eve's face with a wake up call. She heard a sigh of relief as soon as she flinched and opened her eyes. She was still on Eden, lying on the ground under the shade of a tall, shady tree that provided shelter from the afternoon sun.

"Jeez, just how many times do you plan to faint right after we just met?" Adam groaned with a hint of impatience in his deadpanned tone.

Eve hastily got her back off the soft, green grass to sit upright facing Adam.

"I- You- Wh-why did you splash water on me!? There has be a better way to wake me, isn't there? You idiot!" said Eve frantically while she became uncontrollably flustered.

Adam just shrugged in return. "You know Eve, you look so beautiful when you're asleep, but you are way more cute when you're awake." Adam smiled pure heartedly as he rests his head in his left palm.

Eve's face instantly went red. The compliment was too sudden for her to catch on. She tried to continue to scold Adam, but the angry words were stuck in her throat.

Cute... Cute... Cute! He called me cute!! I don't like how he said it, then why am I blushing!?

Eve patted her face with some strength put into her slender arms, attempting to get rid of the blushing, but it was all for naught. All she could think of was Adam calling her "cute" over and over again in her mind.

"Too much for you to handle? See? This is exactly why I called you cute." said Adam as he laughed heartily.

"This is no laughing matter, mind you!" Eve shouted at Adam while her was still red. "I could've died right there and then! Weren't you even slightly worried!?"

"Ahahaha..." Adam slowly stopped his laughter and looked at Eve with a gentle smile. "Of course I was. But you can say that I can conceal my emotions better."

There was a slight pause between the two of them.

Adam raised up his voice a little. "It's just that, I've been here for quite some time. I was amazed by this world, and so I travelled far and wide to experience different things while my safety was blessed by the being who claims to be The Creator. Anyway, I did a lot of different things, most of them were pretty exciting and enjoyable, while some were quite challenging."

Suddenly Adam's tone dropped. "Although it was fun and all, I had no one to share my happiness and stories with. For the first time ever, I felt lonely." He looked downwards.

Eve's face went slightly gloomy, she did not know what to say to Adam. She just looked down at the grass, fidgeting with the tender ends of the green blades. She never knew how loneliness feels like, let alone the effort required to suppress it.

Perhaps I was being too selfish since I came here, all I thought of was only myself, and never considered his feelings from his perspective. I should be less harsh and actually be nice to him from now on...

"Then the loneliness vanished when you came along." said Adam with a smile.

Eve lifted her head.

"I pleaded 'The Creator' day by day, trying to get Them to create someone special to me. Then I was told to follow the riverbank. When I found you by the river that day, all the clouds in my heart were dispersed. It felt incredible." Adam looked up at Eve, with a glint of gladness in his eyes.

"Eh? Eve? What's wrong?"

"I- I-" Eve's eyes were welling up.

"I'm-I'm sorryyyy!!" She began to bawl like a child as tears began to appear from the corner of her eyes.

"Huh? What are you apologising for?" Adam said while being confused by her words.

"I've been treating you so bad up till now! I won't let you feel lonely ever again!" Eve abruptly hugged Adam's sturdy torso. Tears trickle down her cheeks from her eyes like a tiny stream of regret.

Adam was surprised at first, but eventually calmed down. He hugged Eve in return and rustled his fingers through her smooth reddish-golden long hair, comforting her. "Neither will I leave you alone." he said with a soothing voice.

Eve just silently nodded in Adam's envelopment, trying not to cry too much about the past.

It's warm... I want this moment to last, even if it's just another minute or another second...

I feel safe and happy with him around...

The setting sun gave its last goodbyes to the duo. Night sneakily yet gradually takes over the yellow-tinted sky, turning it to dark blue. Stars hidden during the day came out of hiding and twinkled in all their glory.

It was just another peaceful day on Eden that will go on forever...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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