I'm walking through a desert alone
This much sadness has never been shown
First time the sand has seen water in years
It is in luck, because I'm crying plenty of tears
There will be a flash flood
Tainted with salt water and blood
Crashing around likes waves
Sharp pain digging into my heart like spades
I'm running through the desert alone
This is worst sorrow I've ever known
Second time the sand will be coated
My luck, I'll fall from my blue's eyes that are loaded
With these tears that will create a storm
My body has chilled, it will never be warm
Nothing you can do to save me now
Sucked into quick sand, I want to scream but can't remember how
I'm sinking into a dry desert dying alone
I was alive but now this is the worst death people have ever known
The sand has become my deathly grave
This is what happens when you were never saved