"Casual dates are a thing, right?"

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A/ N: just a heads up, from now on i'm going to write in third person p.o.v. bc i feel like it


"Oh nO NO PETER QUICK GET ME A NAPKIN!!" "Holy crap Brooke, how did that happen?" Peter says, laughing as he reaches quickly for the roll of paper towels and rips one off, handing it to her.

She hurriedly takes it from him, putting it at the bottom of her ice cream cone which currently has a pretty good sized hole in it, allowing ice cream to run out and onto the table they're seated at.

Peter watches her amusedly, smile on his face at her unfortunate situation. "Here, I think you're gonna need more than one paper towel there, B." He hands her a couple more as he holds back a laugh at her struggles.

"Peter it's not funny!! I have ice cream dripping everywhere!" She whines with a pouty lip. "Okay, well how about a walk around New York? Would that make you happy?" He suggests, knowing her answer will be yes.

"Oh my gosh yes, can we please do that?" Peter chuckles. "Why else do you think I suggested it?" He says with a smirk. Brooke gasps happily. "LET'S GO!!!" She exclaims as she pulls Peter along by the hand out of the shop.

They skip together down the sidewalk- well, Brooke skips down the sidewalk, dragging a struggling Peter alongside her as he tries to eat his ice cream and keep it on the cone. "Hey babe, can you slow down? I don't want my ice cream to fall." Peter calls over the loud sounds of cars honking. Brooke smirks and suddenly pulls them to a stop, jerking Peter forward and causing the scoop of ice cream to fly straight onto the ground in front of them.

He gapes in shock and despair. "My ice cream..." He says in a sad little voice. "It's okay, i don't have any ice cream either." She says proudly, gesturing to the ground in front of her feet, where there lies, behold, her scoop of ice cream as well. "I cant believe you just killed our ice cream Brooke." "It's fine, my dad's a billionaire. What's ten bucks to him? Literally a penny. Let's go get churros." She suggests.

Peter stares at her with wide eyes. "Dang okay, wasting your dad's money, I see you. Now when he finds out he's gonna get mad at me for it. Nice job." "Oh be quiet, he's not gonna find out anyway." "I don't know, Brooke. How'd he find out about us on homecoming?" "....Good point...maybe we won't get churros then." She says as she recalls her major confusion from that night.

Peter laughs. "We can get churros. Churros are worth all the money in the world." "You know what, you're right. Who cares about my dad's money, let's go get ourselves some freakin' churros."

"Can I swing you there?" He asks. Brooke thinks about it for a couple seconds before agreeing. "Yeah sure. You got the suit?" She double checks with him. He points to his backpack. "Oh, right. I knew that. Go find somewhere to change, I'll follow." Peter smiles and takes her hand. They run off to a hidden alleyway, Brooke standing at the end keeping watch and making sure no one's coming.

Once Peter's changed, he throws his backpack over his shoulder and fastens his arm around Brooke's waist. "Peter you can't drop me okay?" "Brooke, when have I dropped you?" "Well, let's see. That time when you swung me home from school, last week, just the other day-" "Okay okay I get it. I won't drop you this time though. I Promise." "You better."

~le one minute later~

"See! Told you I wouldn't drop you!" "That doesn't mean you almost did, Peter." "Oh please, all that happened was you slipped out of my arm, but I caught you by the hand right away!! You were only falling for like .0025 seconds!"

Brooke looks him dead in the eyes with the most annoyed face anyone could ever pull. "I mean sure, but you still scared me half to death." Peter frowns underneath the mask at her words. "I'm sorry Brooke." He says sadly as he pulls her into a soft hug, feeling guilty about the event.

But of course, she can't stay mad at him forever. She allows the corners of her mouth to turn upwards as she returns his gesture. "It's fine Peter, I'm fine, we're good." She reassures him sweetly. "Oh good, I don't know what I'd do if you were still mad at me." He says in relief.

Brooke laughs and shakes her head. "Peter I could never be mad at you for more than five minutes, you turn into a sad little puppy all the time." She tells him with a smile.

But before Peter can reply, the two teens hear a small voice in the distance. They turn their heads to see an ecstatic little girl pulling what seems to be her not-so-ecstatic older brother by the hand.

"Soren, Soren! Look!!" The girl exclaims excitedly, pointing at Peter with a huge smile on her face. She lets go of her brother's hand and runs straight for Spider-Man. "Hi Spider-Man! Do you remember me??" She asks excitedly, hope in her eyes.

"Do I remember you? Hmmm let me think..." Peter says as he strokes his chin, 'thinking' of who she could be. "Ohhh, I remember!! You're Hannah, right? I signed your notebook?"

The girl's face completely lights up the whole city. She runs to him, hugging his legs tightly with a giggle. Peter stumbles back a little with a laugh himsef. After a couple seconds, the girl lets go and trots back over to her brother. "See Soren? He does remember me." She says with an 'I-told-you-so' face, her hands paced smugly on her hips.

'Soren' smiles and rolls his eyes at his sister. "Yep, I see that Hannah. C'mon, we gotta go. Mom and Dad want us back." The gitl pouts at this, her bottom lip sticking out over her top one. "Awwww, can't we stay even a little longer?" He shakes his head. "We've already stayed out longer than we were supposed to, now come on." He grabs her hand and starts to pull her away.

She breaks from his grasp and runs back to Peter to give him one last hug. After she does, she looks over at Brooke. "Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?" She asks with curiosity. Brooke smiles and nods her head. "I am." "Wow. You're so pretty!!" The little girl remarks. Brooke looks over at Peter with an expression that's usually shown when something adorable happens.

Peter smiles underneath his mask. Brooke turns back to the girl. "Aww, thank you so much! But you, my friend, look like an absolute princess." She tells her with a kind smile. The girl squeals and gives Brooke a hug before she's, once again, called by her brother to follow him. She reluctantly waves bye to the two teens and runs to her brother's side, looking back several times before they're out of her sight.

Brooke's smile never left her face. "I love kids." She says happily. Peter chuckles. "If there's one thing you love that's most obvious- other than me of course- it's your love for kids."

"I'm sorry, they're just the sweetest things ever!!" "No no, you don't need to apolygize; it's adorable! Makes me imagine you as a mom." He says with a smile, hidden by his mask, of course. Brooke smiles back at him and puts her hand in his, the two of them walking down the street together.

But alas, all good things come to an end.


They stop in their tracks and turn around to see an army of fangirls running at them. Peter sighs. "So much for a casual date." He remarks. "Wait, casual dates are a thing, right?" He asks as he prepares to fly across the city again. Brooke nods. Yep, but this sure ain't one of them." She confirms before being picked up and carried into the air as Peter thwips them to a different location.
A/N: GUYS IM BACK. i know some of you guys *cough hannavenger COUGH* have lost all patience and hope for me as an author, but i decided to sit myself down, since i finally had a free night, and FREAKING PUBLISH A FREAKING CHAPTER BECAUSE GOSH DANGIT IM NOT DISCONTIUING THIS BOOK, AS HORRIBLE OF AN AUTHOR I MAY BE. please bear with this chapte, it's had a rough history and i didn't proofread it bc i need to go to sleep.
also i'm so so sorry for the horribly long hiatus i took. i don't wanna do it again and i'm gonna try not to. i love you guys.
  till next time,
            hannah 💞

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