Chapter 1) the First Day of School

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Shota's P.O.V

I walked into the school building five minutes before class was supposed to start. It was the first day of my first year in U.A high school for young heroes. The other students were all grouped up in their respective groups already, most of them hanging out with friends they had met at the entrance exams or someone they knew from before. I had no friends at U.A, and I wasn't planning on getting any. I was simply going to do my best to become a hero, and save lives. Easy as that. 

Everyone focused on the big stage in front of the school as a man, presumably around the age of forty, tapped the microphone. 
          "Hello, everyone!" the man smiled as he looked out over the crowd. "I wish to welcome you all to U.A! Welcome back to the students who have their second and third year, and welcome to the new recruits, the first-years!" the audience replied to this with cheers and applause. After a long speech about being heroes and saving lives and all that crap, all the students were called to walk to their homerooms. Starting with the third years, and ending with us. 
          "Aizawa Shota, Class 1A!" shouted the man, not realizing he did not have to raise his voice when he had a microphone right in front of him. I walked to the teacher who waved with a sign. The man on the stage shouted the next name before I even reached the teacher. When we could finally walk to our homerooms, my class had piled up to have 15 students, all whom which aimed for the same thing. To be the best hero in the world, though everyone knew that no one would surpass All-might. 

Our teacher gave the class half an hour to chat with each other and get to know each other a little before the classes started. Everyone quickly started talking, but I figured I'd stay out of it, so instead of talking to someone, I took up a notebook and started writing down about my experience at U.A up until now. 
          "Hey, whatcha doin'?" a loud voice came from behind me, making me jump in my seat. 
          "What the--? What does it look like I'm doing?" I snarled back, already annoyed. I hadn't bothered looking back yet, but as I finally did, I saw a tall, lean guy with hair sticking straight up into the air, and emerald green eyes.
          "Sheesh, no need to be so rude," he chuckled before leaning onto my desk. "I'm Hizashi Yamada! What's your name?" his smile reached from ear to ear as he held his hand out for me to shake. 
          "Shota Aizawa," I muttered, not bothering to shake his hand. He pulled it away before looking at my notes. 
          " 'A bunch of shitheads'? You haven't even talked to anyone yet!" 
          "No, but you have talked to each other and I've been listening"
          "You should try talking to someone...! Hmm... Come to my place after class! I'm throwin'  a party for class 1A!" 
          "We're probably gonna get homework. I think I'd rather focus on that than a party"
          "Awe, come on! You've gotta get to know your class so that we can all work together!" his smile somehow widened even more. I sighed heavily.
          "Sure... just give me the details and I'll be there," I muttered before going back to writing. 
-Hizashi Yamada- in all caps. -loud, annoying, social butterfly-

After half an hour of "socializing", the teacher asked everyone to be seated again. He then proceeded to explain how we were going outside for a "quirk evaluation" where he could see the physical enhancements of our quirks. I knew I'd do quite good in all physical tests, but not because of my quirk. I had been practising martial arts since I was a child since my quirk was only to erase other people's quirks. As we met in the courtyard, dressed in our hero costumes, the teacher asked us all to stand in a line.
          "Yo! What's up with your costume, dude?" a familiar voice was behind me. Yamada. "Aren't you gonna wear more than sweatpants, a sweatshirt and a scarf?" 
          "No, why should I?" I asked as I looked back at the blonde behind me. 
          "You'll never become a famous hero lookin' like that"
          "I don't want to be famous, I just want to be a hero"
          "Even if no one recognizes you?"
          "The fewer people who recognize me, the better," I sighed and looked back at the student who was currently throwing the baseball. 
          "543 meters," the teacher said, and the students gasped in amazement. When my turn finally came, I realized how short I'd throw without using a quirk that would enhance my strength. 
          "138 meters. Impressive without a physical quirk," the teacher smiled at me. I could hear one of my classmates ask another one about how could I have scored any points at the entrance exams without extra physical strengths since we were fighting robots. 

At lunch, I sat outside to eat the lunch my dad had made. He was a terrible cook, but he tried his best. I took a bite and grimaced at the bad taste. 
          "Why are you sitting out here?" Yamada asked as he sat down on the same bench as me. 
          "I could ask you the same thing, Yamada"
          " 'Yamada'? Call me Hizashi! and I was looking for you since I couldn't find you in the cafeteria"
          "You're confusing"
          "How so?" he tilted his head in confusion. 
          "It's obvious I'm trying to avoid being social, yet you search for me and try to hold a conversation"
          "Well, no one deserves to be alone!" His optimism made me nauseous at first, but as we kept talking, it started growing on me. 

Hizashi Yamada. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought he was. 

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