Chapter 1

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Patch:Cool!, So Hira Sacrifice Herself To Save Sky?
Hiroko:That's Right, Patch
Pongo:Hmm, What About That Time When She Accidentally Killed You?
Hira:Ow, My Ears! *Covering Her Ears*
*The Train Stopped*
Rolly:The Train's Stopped, Why?
Cody:Because It Means That We're Out of Friendship Gas
Dalmatian Puppies:NO!
Kuzco & Kronk:NO!
Baymax:NO!, Right?
Gonzo:Besides All We Gotta Do is To Make a New Friend
Patch:Well That's Easy
Hiro:And An Dangerous Adventure
Patch:Well That's Not Easy
Gonzo:Besides We Gotta Find Woody, Since He's Been Wanting For Us To Come to His Place
Hira:But Gonzo, Your Pregnant
Gonzo:I Know, But Hiro Knows Woody As Well
Hiro:That's True, Gonzo I Do
Hira:Well That Settles Then, Hiroko, Cody, Diego, Hiro & I With Toby Will Be Finding Woody While You Guys Stay Here
Patch:Hira, Will You Be Okay?
Hira:Yes, Patch I Will
*Hira, Hiroko, Cody, Diego, And Hiro (With Toby) Left The Train of Friendship*
Hira:Okay, Let's Find Woody
Hiro:I Got Presents Because Its His Owner's 10th Birthday Tomorrow
Hira:Okay, If He's At Andy's House Then We'll Be His Special Guests
*Hiro Knocked The Door 3 Times*
Hira:So Now What?
Hiroko:We Wait Until Someone Opens The F ---
*Mrs. Davis Opened The Door*
Hiroko:Freaking Door
Mrs. Davis:Why Hello There, I'm Andy's Mom, But Just Preferred Me As Mrs. Davis
Andy:Who's At The Door, Mom?
Mrs. Davis:Come In, I'm Sure That Andy Would Love To Make New Friends *Sees Toby On Hiroko's Chest* Aw! Is He Yours or Your Little Sibling?
Hiro:That's Toby, Diego and Hiroko's Son
Hiroko:Yeah, Toby Here Is My Son, Diego Here Is My Boyfriend And Toby's Father
Andy:He's Adorable
*Hira, Hiroko, Cody, Diego & Hiro Placed Their Presents At The Storage Room Next To Mrs. Davis' Present For Andy*
Mrs. Davis:Tomorrow Andy Will Opened The Presents
Andy:I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow *Goes To His and Molly's Room*
*Hira Felt a Kick In Her Stomach*
Hira:Cody, i felt a kick
*Hira & Cody Went To The Their Guestroom*
*Hiroko & Diego Went To Their Guestroom*
Hiro:There's Only 2 Guestrooms?!
Mrs. Davis:Yes, Sorry But You Can Sleep In The Living Room
Hiro:*Mumbled* *Went Outside Out of Rage*
*It Was Already Nighttime*
Hiro:I Rather Sleep Outside Then In The Stupid Couch!
*Everyone Was Now Asleep Except For Hiro*
Hiro:Come On, Sleep!
*Hiro Has Been At It Ever Since Kuzco Wished Him To Be a Girl*
Hiro:Why, Can't I Sleep?!?!
*Hiro Finally Fell Asleep, Though Unknowingly To Him That Mrs. Davis Came And Picked Him Up and Put Him On The Couch And Put a Blanket On Him*
*Mrs. Davis Then Went Back To Bed*
*Just Then a Pokémon Appeared With PokéBalls With Each Notes Saying*

PokéBall #1: Hira's Starter Pokémon

PokéBall #2: Hiroko's Starter Pokémon

PokéBall #3: Cody's Starter Pokémon

PokéBall #4: Diego's Starter Pokémon

PokéBall #5: Liona's Starter Pokémon

PokéBall #6: Halo's Starter Pokémon

*With 1 Pokémon Egg Saying "Hiro's Pokémon Egg" And That Pokémon Went To The Couch That Hiro Is Sleeping On*
*a Pokémon Stay By Hiro's Side Inside The Davis Family's House*

Chapter 1 Ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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