Chapter 2

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in like forever I have had a lot of family things on and assignments due but right now I'm on holidays for 2 weeks YAYYY and I promise to upload as much as I can! Thankyou to everyone who is supporting me and I hope you enjoy chapter 2 

Chapter 2

She is sitting on the leather couch in her family's lounge room and is trying to put all the pieces together about all of the current disappearances.Grace and her best friends Lexi and Alyssa have been interested by this because ever since it has started Grace has been getting major migranes which literally felt like they were going to split her head in two. Lexi has been experiencing the same thing and it all started on the night of the first disappearance. All of the seniors from their school had gone down to the bay for the annual bonfire, the whole night basically consisted of all the jocks getting drunk and doing stupid things like seeing who can hold their breath underwater for the longest, well while we were all too drunk to realise anything was happening one of the girls Missy Cambridge just well disappeared. Everyone searched for her for weeks which turned into months and no one has found her or any clues about her dissappearance, they classed it as a runaway case but The three of us have a good idea that some unknown forces are at work in this world and we are going to find out what they are.

Grace is beginning to grow suspicious of Jaxon's behaviour. He has been acting really strange lately and it is starting to creep everyone out. Grace loves her brother to death but lately he has been kind of distant. Jaxon and Grace still talk like normal but it almost seems like there is something he is holding back from her and it is about time that she got to the bottom of it. Grace walks through the dark corridors looking for jaxon. She looks in all of his hiding places and comes up blank. She tries his phone but everytime she finally thinks she has gotten a hold of him she hears his normal voice message " hi you've reached Jaxon sorry I can't come to the phone right now but I'm busy having a life, if you really want to get a hold of me leave a message."

Grace is beginning to worry, what if something has happened to him, what if he's hurt and what happens if him going missing is linked to the recent dissappearances.

Hi sorry this is a short chapter but I promise there will be

Plenty more to come so please vote and if anyone has any advice feel free to tell me your opinions count hope my fans enjoyed this 

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