Chapter Eleven ➳ The Disastrous Interrogation

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Two more days until Shaurya's beach party. Great.

I mean, it's not like I don't wanna go. Hell, I wanna go really badly. I want to unleash that wild and untamed side of me, the side of me that I never got to reveal to others. All my life, I've been known as that quiet and studious Anika Desai that is obedient to her father. But ever since college started, I felt this burning passion inside of me to be free and to be wild and to let go of these things. We only live once anyways.

The way I felt at that party, before first semester started... man, I never felt that way. I felt like a completely different person exploring the various depths of adult life and experimenting. And I'm glad I started that off with Shaurya.

So I kind of feel guilty that way if I don't come to his party, all because of my overprotective father.

I groan as I plop myself on my bed, sprawling my bag and papers on the floor. The time is currently 5:23pm, so I have couple of hours to spare before my father arrives.

I contemplate about starting my homework and studying for this literature exam tomorrow, but the procrastination-like side of me dominates my mind. God, all I wanna do is sleep.

The good thing about tomorrow is, since it's Friday, is that I will only have one class tomorrow, which is literature. Then, I can finally relax and have some 'me' time, which I've had none of since the beginning of senior year of college.

I sit up, swiping my hair to the left side of my torso. Biting my lip anxiously, I rub my hands on my forehead as I sigh in exasperation. Why can't life just be simple for once?

Eventually, I decide to turn on some Netflix and catch up on my daily Vampire Diaries. I settle myself on my comfortable bean bag chair placed adjacent to the post of my bed as I grab a unfinished bag of hot Cheetos on my dresser from a couple of days.

As Damien and Elena go through their conversations about their sustaining love for each other, I lean against my bean bag chair as I feel a ding go through my pocket. I pull out my phone and read a text from Em.

Em: hey girly! I'm supremely bored at my house lol. Wanna come over and catch up on some Vampire Diaries?

Me: haha, so funny! I'm watching it rn!! But yea I can come over in a lil.

Em: yasssss!!!

I sigh as I place my phone on the ground. Man, right when I was just getting comfortable...

Pulling my hair up into a loose ponytail, I go downstairs as I grab my phone and lead myself into the kitchen. But then it hits me. What am I gonna tell my father? What if he comes early and sees that I'm not home?

But it's not like I'm having a sleepover at her house, right? I'll just be back in an hour or two. It won't be that bad.

I realize to myself that if I bring my phone with me then he'll probably see that I'm not home, since he can track my location down. Sighing to myself, I place my phone on the counter and walk out of the house once I lock the door behind me.

The cool Californian air hits my face as I note the trees swaying in the distance, the birds chirping into the daylight, and people swarming up and down the streets, talking to others or taking it solo by going on a jog.

The car sits idly on my garage way as I beep it twice. Opening the door into the car, I lean my head back on the headrest as I close my eyes.

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