Chapter Twenty-Two ➳ You

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"Wh-what do you wanna talk about?"

Shaurya shrugs, leaning his perfectly tanned shoulders back. There seems to be a tense expression on his face, as his uneasy eyes land on me. "It's just a very important discussion. I mean, it's been on my mind for a while, I just..." he takes a deep breath. "I need to talk to you about it and it would be nice it was by the sunset."

I look at him confusingly, furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah, I mean I guess we could." What could be so urgent, though?

He starts to get up, brushing off some excess sand off of his skin. Then, he offers me his hand, suggesting me to grab it. I sigh, grasping his warm hand as he pulls me up. This wouldn't be the first time he grabbed my hand, but it definitely is a very wonderful feeling. Electricity shoots inside of my veins, making my heart pump a beat faster.

I make eye contact with Em and Ty. Their heads nod off towards Shaurya and I, which probably means that they're asking me where I'm going off with him. I mouth at them, 'be right back.'

Then, I look back at Shaurya who slightly smiles at me, dimples creasing his soft cheek. "Ready to go?" he murmurs.

"Yup," a smile grows on my lips. Then, he starts to lead me across the beach. People are too engrossed in other conversations to notice that the party's own host is leaving the campfire with some girl he's been talking to for a month. And I mean, I guess that's a good thing because people would start catcalling and hollering obscene phrases towards us.

I don't think Shaurya and I would prefer that, especially me.

The waves are crashing against the sand in such a calm and peaceful manner. Shaurya and I reached to the point where the water would reach to our toes, lightly tickling them and immediately running away. I notice the gorgeous sunset with beautiful contrast colors of red, fading to an orange and ending with a yellow hue. Sunsets are ultimately the most amazing things I have ever laid my eyes on.

"Wow," I breathe out. "The view's so gorgeous."

We start to sit down against the soft, wet sand as Shaurya sighs to himself. I feel his beautiful eyes turning to me from my side view, him staring at me so.... sexily. My face warms as he replies, "Yeah, tell me about it."

Something tells me he wasn't only talking about the sunset.

I nervously chuckle. "Anyways..." turning my head towards him, I clear my throat. "Now can you tell me what you urgently want to talk about?"

"Oh, yeah," he grins, looking down at his feet. His thigh touches mine, our faces inches away and if I moved any closer to him then we would be... kissing. "I'll tell you now."

An uneasy expression is placed on his face, as he runs his hands along his arms very anxiously. "My... my parents are getting a divorce."

"Wait... what?" I mutter. "H-how come?"

Who knew that the guy with the most perfect family would be having internal family issues. And I know it's a very cliche thing, to think a rich family would be having no personal family problems of their own... but isn't that what everyone thinks?

Shaurya shrugs, closing his eyes. "I never told you this, but my mom met up with me at this cafe almost a couple of weeks ago. She told me that she and my father are divorcing, and I—" he takes a deep breath, opening his eyes and looking at me intently. "I'm scared, honestly. And that's not the only thing that's been on my mind."

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