Chapter Eighteen ➳ To Live and Forget

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I feel my cheeks warming as I see Shaurya driving away, flashing me a bright grin and waving me goodbye. Flashbacks of him grabbing my hand, hugging me tightly, and feeling his presence around mine... it makes me feel joyous inside.

What is going on with me? Why do I feel this way?

As I walk inside of my house, I mentally cuss at myself as I realize I got mad at him for no reason in the car. And not even getting mad at him, but more like me snapping at him for no reason. I don't even know why I did that! I guess I just felt overwhelmed with all the things he was saying, such as him explaining how he was there when it all happened to me, how my father and him had the most dreadful conversation about me, and how he saw me getting carried onto the stretcher, fighting for my life.

I sigh exasperatedly as I slam the front door close behind me. It feels nice to be home and to be alone for once. Not have an overprotective father up my ass and people constantly asking me if I'm okay or what happened to me last night. For once I just want peace and quiet before I go to Shaurya's beach party this evening.

So I found out that I have to be at the beach by 3 o clock, which is in three hours. My father won't be home by then, and I know for sure this time he'll be working late today because he has to make up for the hours he missed for the past few days. I just have to be stealthy and smart about the decisions I make and hopefully I won't get in big trouble again.

I trudge my way upstairs after I grab a granola bar and a glass of milk from the kitchen. Placing my food on the nightstand table, I sit cross legged on my bed, annoyingly brushing a piece of hair out of my face. Since it's Shaurya's party tonight, I should try to at least look good today and have a great time, just like at the party I met Shaurya. I'm not gonna let my father ruin my life while I'm young.

Going to the closet, I look through the drawers where all my swimsuits are. I decide not to wear a two piece because 1) I don't want all the people to see all the scars and bruises I have all around my body, especially Shaurya and 2) I just don't feel confident enough today to walk in public with a two piece on. Instead, my eyes land on a sultry and sexy one piece that covers most of my frontal body but has two openings on the side that sort of makes my body look like an hourglass, in a good way.

It's a nice navy blue color with white hems on the side, and it has strings by my cleavage that reveal a little bit of skin right above my breasts. It's not as revealing and bold as a two piece, but it's good enough to make me look nice and cover most of my scars.

I lay it out on my bed and decide that I should probably go wash my hair. I still feel groggy from last night and the whole stay over at the hospital, so I should probably get fresh and look fresh as well. My feet lead to the bathroom as I strip of my clothes and go to the shower as hot water immediately starts to pour on my body.

I wince in pain as the hot water makes contact with my body and it especially hurts the most where my bruises and cuts are at. Immediately, I turn the dial to make sure cold-warmish water bow pours from the shower so it won't sting as much as hot water. I usually take a hot shower, but unfortunately today that won't be the case.

After I finish my fifteen minute shower, I go to my room and after drying myself and wrapping my hair up into the towel, I look at my swimsuit sitting on the bed. Sighing, I pick it up and wear it, feeling my bruises ache on the side, but I persevere through the pain.

Once I wear it, I look at myself through the mirror and try to place a smile on my face. Today, I am not gonna let my internal problems get to me. Today, I am actually going to enjoy my day with my friends.

Wait... my friends!

I completely forgot to ask them if they were coming at all in the first place! Gasping, I run over to where my phone would usually be, right on my nightstand, but instead I see nothing. Mainly because my father had it in the first place. Ugh!

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