To the dorm

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Bakugo's Pov•

I was wandering why I was still alive...Did I not jump high enough?
My thoughts where interrupted by Kacchan.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"I'm taking you to the hospital."
I thought you were happy dip shit, why would you just jump off?!" Exclaimed Kacchan.
"Why do you care?"
"I thought...y-you wanted m me to d...die..."
I was squirming around trying to get out of Kacchan's grip, I soon was able to jump out of his grasp.
"What. The. Actual fuck Deku?!"
Kacchan siad.
"Please....just...l-leave me
....I'll call my...m-mom...."
I remembered about what my mom had said on the phone...she wouldn't want to see this ugly face... I mumbled.
I practically had lied straight to Kacchan.
"Are you FUKING crazy?!" Your gonna bleed out!" Exclaimed Kacchan.
"I can w-walk..."
I stumble to get up from the ground.
"F...fine die,You fucking moron..."
Yelled Kacchan.
I limp back to my dorm, not knowing Kacchan was following me, I didn't realize what was happening untill later..
I stumble into my room... About to faint...I take off my shirt and get a medic kit, I see my ugly face in the mirror while I was trying to see my injury. It hurt like literal hell. I took out the bandages and wrapped my stomach. I didn't feel all to well so I went to bed. I hear some come into what I thought was my dorm, it was but I was sharing it with someone I didn't find out who it was till later.
"Huh?" I didnt want to move any parts of my body because I thought I might throw up.

Bakugo's Pov•
I walk to my dorm feeling guilt, I felt sorry for leaving shit head on the side walk... I just hope he was ok...
I fall on the sofa and just hug my knees.
I here something from the bathroom, I was curious. So I opened it, no one was in there. I then here someone or something jump on something in the room I never went in. I opened the door and see a green haired boy.
My mind went straight to Deku.
His eyes meet mine.
"What the fuck"
It was the first time I heard Deku swear.
"Why are you in my dorm?" Asked Deku
"Bitch this is my dorm- wiat..."
"SON OF A BITCH, we are sharing dorms aren't we?"
"I guess" Deku Replied.
"Hey dipshit...?"
"Ya?" Replied Deku.
"Y-you good?" I rubbed the back of my neck while doing this, I didn't want to indicate I cared for Deku. Even though I did.
"Sure...." Siad Deku.
"Ok..." Don't do anything rash while I'm a sleep ok retard?"
Deku just nods, I really wanna know why he jumped off, and I wanna know how he is still alive and bearing the pain.

Izuku's Pov•
I didn't want talk to anyone.. I just wanted to die...but I couldn't, I siad to myself, I have to keep smiling, I don't want people to pity me.. i got up trying to be as quite as possible. I put on my coat and walk to the store.

•time skip after his shop•
I bought 4 blades, I had to control this pain, I wanted to be in control. I slowly open the door to Kacchan watching some TV show...
I take off my coat and walk to my room with bag in hand, I go to the bathroom and I just...cut myself...multiple times on both arms.... I felt, in control, though I grunted when I cut to deep.

Bakugo's Pov•
I went to the living room because I couldn't sleep after what I witnesses- Ed. I watched the news to see if anything interesting was happening.
Nothing was to much of my intrest.
I hear the door open, I turn my head and it's Deku, carrying a bag with things in it. I quickly turn around and continue watching TV, I move my eyes as far as I could to see Deku, I saw him walk in the bathroom, I saw a very blurry silhouette o something in the bag, it was grey...? I turn off the TV and get dressed, I stay up the whole night, I wasn't tired, just...still in awe.
I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Deku's room connected to the bathroom. He was door was open he was still sleeping, I wanted to annnoy him and get him up, but I thought it would be worse if I had him late for school ):] so i got my stuff and left.

•4 hours later•

It's been LITTERLY about 4 hours since Deku went to class, I didn't care.

Alright a little.

Izuku's Pov•
I quickly got dressed and made sure I put guaz on my stomach and both my arms. I quickly got ally stuff and put one of my blades in my pocket, I dashed out the door.

I Ran through the hall and kick the door with out knowing I was doing it.
Some of the girls screamed which I thought was funny, then Mr. Azawa (sry dk no how to spell) scolded me for being late and interrupting the class so disrespectful. He told me to sit down. So I did. I missed lunch but I didn't mind. But luckily class started only 8 minutes ago so he didn't take role call. He siad my name and siad "HERE!" I rose my hand without noticing my sleeve pull down. I had a quick pannic attack, I hope no one saw...

Ok IM DONE! THIS LITTERLY A THOUSAND WORDS, THIS TOOK ME 4, HOURS AND I DIDNT STOP FOR ANYTHING!!! (I mean including this is 1000 words tho hehe) so thx SOOO MUCH! :)

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