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Izuku's Pov•

MY DAD?!? NOW?!? WHY???
I quickly packed spare clothes and some water I was expecting to stay the night because it was Friday. I walked to my mom's apartments and I saw Iida.
"Oh! Hey Iida!"

"Hello Midoryia."

"What are you doing out this late?"

"I was getting groceries for myself, what brings you here at such an hour?"

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to tell him, I didn't think it would be a big deal so I told him.

"I'm giong to see my dad!"

"Thats n- what?!"

"My dad!"
I got kinda embarrassed.
"It's my first time...I gotta make a good impression, hopefully he likes me."

"I wish you the best of luck with him! Maybe he will train you..."
He checked his watch.
"I'm sorry Midoryia, I must go, I will see you later though."

"I'll see ya soon!"

We both waved and we walked in different directions, I forgot what I was diong and then it all came back.


I ran as fast as I could to my mother's apartments and ran up the stairs.
I knock on the door really fast, my mom answers.
"Hi Mom!"
I hug her and put my head on her shoulder, I open my eyes and look up and see my father, my eyes went wide and I gulped, i looked back down and let go of my mother.
"Izuku, this is your...father."
I waved at him...he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me in his chest.
"Hello, son."
He had a evil grin on his face and he let me go.
I gave him a nervous smile.
"Alright, I must go or I'll be late for my flight, get along boys!"
" you Mom..."
I waved and she waved back, I looked at my father.
We made a gesture to follow him, he took me outside and onto a cliff/Mountain were on the other side of the cliff was the beach were I got my quirk.

"I know you are a quirkless brat...but I want to see what you can do...I WONT be holding back.."

I got into a fighting stance.
"Let's go-"

He activated his quirk and fire blew all over my face.
I put my hands per my face and clawed at my eyes.
I got furious and used 20% of my power, I didn't run into this fight without a plan, I ran to him and threw a punch at him, I knew he was gonna catch it, I then moved my power to my leg and round kicked him in the face.
"He stumbled back letting me go."
"How..your a quirkless brat..."
He wiped the scratch off his face and looked at me.
"Not bad..but not good enough to impress m-"
I ran around him and tripped him and  he fell on his back and I put my foot on his chest.
"Is tha-"
He then grabbed my foot, got up and slammed me on the ground.
I started to tear up.

"Heros don't cry..."
"How would you're n-not a're a m-monster..."
I instantly regret what I said.

He spread fire all over my body.
I screamed in pain and felt limp.
"Don't talk to me like that...ever. Again."
I had marks and burn scars all over my face and body, it hurt so much.
He grabbed my neck and started to squeeze it.
"Ack.. p-please..d-d-dont."
He was still holding my neck and slammed me on the ground and made a crater in the ground.
he stommped on my chest and I coughed up blood.
"I'll let you live for now, don't come home untill tommorow.."
He picked me back up by the neck and held me over the cliff.
"You won't die, it will just.."
He let me go and I slammed on the ground.
I hit the ground and I grit my teeth jn pain.
"Ow ow ow OW OW..SHIT!!"
I turned over and over agian and tried to break off the scabs, it made it worse, I made the sand red.
I looked at the water and my eyes lit up.
"Maybe..i c-can..make it th-there.."
I crawled over to the water on the beach and sat up.
"Shit..shit...shit..SHIT.this hurts it hurts.."
I was hyperventilating, and washing off all the blood in the water.
I looked at my reflection in the water.


I looked like my whole face was just one scab, like a burnt piece of meat, on my eye, it was full on red and when I cried, the tears where red.
"Hic, I deserve this...-sniff-"
I wiped my eyes and it stinged.
half of my clothes were burnt off, I decided just to take off my shirt and wrapped the half that had the most wounds cover it with my shirt, I used it as a cast and i washed my hiar, I didn't want Kacchan to worry. I looked back at my reflection and the side of my check was bleeding, it was the most part of my face that looked like a big scab running across it.
"It's's's ALRIGHT!"
I started walking back to U.A and walk into the dorms, Kacchan was in his room he left some food on the table for me. It has a note that siad, I know you siad you weren't hungry but just eat some.
Love, Kacchan.

I smiled and went to the cabinet and wrapped the side of my face, I put more wrap on my chest and rewrapped my arms, I looked in a mirror, I put my hand on my hip and one on my mouth.

I walk onto Kacchans room crying, he had ear buds on and was starting at his phone.
I leaped into his arms and put my head on his shoulder.
"I don't wanna go back..I don't wanna-"
He pulled me out of the hug and put his hands on my shoulders.
I went back in his arms and sobbed.
"He doesn't want me... H-hes testing m-me...I don't wa-"
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you..I thought you went on a walk or something... I'm really sorry, I won't let this happen."
I cried even louder in his arms, he slowly took me out of the hug and kisses me on the lips.
This was the firs time he saw my face, after he kisses me he looked at me.
his eyes went wide.
"That mother fuckers is gonna pay.."
"Kacchan, please...I don't want you getting hurt either...I don't think he wants to see me anymore..."
"Even if he doesn't want you, I'll make sure he wants your help when I beat the shit out of him!"
I giggled and cried and then I looked at Kacchan.
"I'm really lucky to h-have you.. K-kacchan..."

"So am I.."


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