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Todoroki Pov•

I haven't seen Midoryia almost all day, until 4th period. He kicked open the door with all of his books and papers falling out of his back pack, I see Bakugo snicker.
Why is he late? I guess it doesn't matter too much...
The teacher did role call, when he called Midoryia I looked up at him and I see his sleeve go down. I saw some sorta gauz or bandages on his arm, It seems once he realized, he pulled his sleeve up, I don't get why some one would be embarrassed of Thier sleeve giong down...unless something was up... After class was break. I went up midoryia to ask him what was on his arm.
"Huh?" Questioned Midoryia.
Hey umm.. what was the thing under your sleeve Deku?"
"Oh... I uh...it's a fashion style!"
Our conversation ended and I siad "oh... Ok?" And I wave him good bye.

Izuku's Pov•

I wave Todoroki bye as he does the same. I was going to put away my books but some of Kacchan's Goons walked up to me.
"What you got there quirkless loser?"
One of them grabs my book and rips it.
"God damnit" i need those you know..."
"Ya so?"
"can't you see, you can't use it anymore, I ripped out the pages, retard."
I get scared and regret what I said.
"Know your place Deku!?!"
He punches me in the nose and it bleeds.
I didn't care, he knees me in the stomach and I grinned my teeth.
He kicked me in the stomach.
I was coughing blood.
"Don't fucking talk back bitch."
He left me on the floor.
I remember seeing Kacchan walked pass me, but he was to far away to see me.
"Ah ow..."
I start giggling on how much it hurt.
I stumble up and walk to the bathroom. I take out my blade from my pocket. I cut my palms, I didn't want to take off my bandages. That means people might see and give me pity... I don't WANT pity. I stayed in the bathroom until school ended, I didn't have to worry about my education, just my combat...

•school hours are over•

I check my watch and I can leave the bathroom. I walk to my dorm, and Kacchan Is making himself some sorta meal. I sit at the table and put my head down and made sure I clenched my fist to so Kacchan didn't know. I made sure to hide my face since it was covered in injury's.

Bokugo's Pov•

I come back from school, I didn't really see  shit head today, except 4th period.
I walk to my dorm after school was over I didn't see Deku there either. Until 15 minutes, I was gonna ask him how was his shitty day and then insult him. But he put his head down and clenched his fists I wanted to see if he was crying... Or was angry... But I didn't. I guess he fell asleep because his fists un clenched. I looked at his palms and they were cuts...? I aggressively tilted his head up, surprisingly he didn't wake up.
"What the fucking hell happened?"
I drop his head on the table which makes a big thud.
I cringe and was disgusted..
I go back to my room thinking nothing of it, I listen to rock music.

Izuku's Pov•

I wake up with me sniffling...
"I just want it to END."
But...no- no one would care...it would be like I didn't excist... I sob and pull my hiar. I then fall asleep agian, the tears dryed on my face, and I was still in the position of pulling my hiar, but less tightly...

Bokugo's Pov•

I got bored so I go to the couch and I see Deku pulling his hiar- but..it's like he's just holding his head..and his face  has these almost pale white marks running down his eyes..
"Yo what the fuck?"
I kinda got worried but I looked mad.
Deku woke up.
"What the h- where am I...oh...the dorm.."
He Lets go of his and folds his arms but you can't see it because has legs are covering his chest. I didn't think he realized that he had injury's on his face.
He asked,
"So how was your day."
"Not bad"
"How come?"
"Because you weren't there."
"I see..."
He wipes his eyes but his sleeves pull down and I saw bandages. I siad,
"What's up with your arm dip shit, y-you ok?"
"What did you say?"
He giggled
"Why you laughing ugly?"
"I didn't know you could care."
"No, seriously dumb ass, what's up with your arm!?"
He got nervous and I knew he was fake smiling, he siad.
Oho! Umm..it is.. a newfashionstyle.
He siad quickly.
"Speak louder you always mumble dumb ass"
I slapped him and he grit his teeth.
He just nodded" he looked, broken...
I left the couch and get dressed in regular clothes.
"Oi, dip shit you wanna go to the store with me?"
"Why not"
He got dressed and I waited for him by the front door.
"Took you long enough, bitch"

Izuku's Pov•
We get in my car and he says he'll drive, I sat in the passenger seat. It was pretty awkward, so I siad something my mother thought me when things get awkward.
"And then I siad to mildgrid.."
"Who the fuck is mildgrid?"
I started to laugh and he's says
"what?!" He threatens me with his quirk which shuts me up.

But i was still smiling.

We arrive at the store, I only needed to go because my blades broke.
The only reason why I agreed.
"Hey Kacchan?"
"What's up?"
"The sky"
He hits me and says
"Don't be smart with me."
"Ya ya, alright."
I hold my check and he looks at me with worry. I..think.
"Sorry dumb ass, so what did you want?"
"I'm giong to the next ile, brb"

I go to the building stuff ile or whatever.. and I see a package of blades, I smile and punch the air.

"Last time it took me FOREVER to find these."

I walk to Kacchan and hide the product.

"What did you get?"
"Oh nothing"
I smile but it's fake.
"W-what?! Are you good?!"
"Damn Deku.."
I went to the medical ile and get more bandages since the ones I was wearing were turning a light blood red.

I go back to Kacchan
"Ill pay for my things, and you do your stuff!"

For some reason he seamed confused,  like he thought he was gonna pay for me too or something...

I went to self check out and bought my items. I waited till he finished what he had to do, I saw him tryna see what was in my bag but I instantly put my grocery bag behind me.

We walk out of the store.

I ask him,
"What did ya get?"
"Useless shit, food, clothes, ya know"
"Oh, cool!"
"Not that cool dip shit."
I saw him smile. It made me feel, warm inside... Something I haven't felt in a long time...

I posted three chapters in a row!
I'm so proud of myself!
I hope you guys like it!
Day what you think of it in the comments!

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