Chapter 4- Don't get caught

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*riley's POV*

"I stayed up all night talking to her. She's so funny and sweet." Lucas rambles on about Ashlynn.

Ugh, even her name is evil.

*maya's POV*

Lucas just called me funny..and sweet.

No he didn't maya. He called Ashlynn sweet. NOT you.

Right right. It's not me. And it never will be. Were nemisises. Don't be silly.

"But do you even know this girl, Lucas? Like where does she live?" Riley asked, obliviously jealous.

"I don't know. I'll ask her." Lucas said and got out his phone.

Oh no. Get out yours and don't get caught.

I did as my mind said and got out my phone And turned off the ringer.

"Hey where do you live? ;)" I got a message from Lucas.

I Sneaked my phone up to me. "New York.."

*lucas's POV*

She. Lives. In. New. York.

Okay I know her living in the state isn't the biggest deal. What if she's close..? Could even live next door to me for all I know.

"She lives in New York guys!" I cheered.

"Yay." Farkle cheered.

"Perfect." Riley said..saarcasiclly?

"Good job cowboy." My arch nemesis who we don't name remarked.

Little did I know, Ashlynn the girl I loved was the girl we don't name.

"Haha, clutterbucket." I smirked.

"Haha, Bucky!" She laughed.


She Lives in New York city. I wanna meet up with her. But in all honestly I'm too scared. Who knows who's the girl behind the screen? She might not be As she seems.

She wasn't. But that is what was great.

*maya's POV*

This whole time I thought Ashlynn was falling for Lucas.

But, i just realized something.

I am Ashlynn.

Therefore, the feelings I have for Lucas are mine.

I can't believe I'm saying this but...

I, maya hart, has fallen for Lucas friar.


And maya likes him too!! YAS! This evening, mid way though this Chapter I sent probably my best Girl meets world fandom/Roleplay friend, who sadly ships rucas, snapshots of this story. Haha. I am evil. And do I over-use italics ? Because I feel like I might. Haha. see you guys soon with another chapter and ideas. I get so many for this book. I used both of the ones I had today. And I have a idea for a upcoming chapter. I hope it's in next one but idk. Hah. Byee!


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