Chapter 8- I Never Told You

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*Lucas's POV*

"So..Ash...what school do you go to?" I asked her taking a bite from my froyo we got after we left the cafe.

She looked like she had to think about her answer. Weird.

"I'm homeschooled," Ashlynn simply replies.


"Don't feel bad, I never told you." She reassures.


She smiled as we passed my house.

*Maya's POV*

"Wanna hang out at my place for a bit?" Lucas offered.

"I don't know, my mom wants me home." I lied.

I gotta go to the salon to get this annoying wig and makeup off.

"Please? Just for a few minutes?" He begged.

"15 minutes." I gave in.

"Yes!" He cheered. "I mean, yeah cool. Come on In." He told me and I accepted and we went into his house.


"And to conclude the tour, my room." Lucas said and opened the door to his room. He gave me a tour of his entire house and I pretended like I hasn't seen it Before.

I obviously had. The gang hangs at 3 places: Riley's house, cafe, and Lucas's house.

"Nice." I smiled and sat on his been bag chair. "Comfy!"

Lucas slightly chucked. "That's why l got it."

"You have a good taste in chairs, friar."


"Well I should be going.." I say finally.

"Do you have to?"

'Yes.' I mouthed sadly and Lucas did something I wasn't excepting.

He kissed me on the forehead. Adorable.

I smiled, trying to hide a blush and walked back to the salon, wondering what the hell the last 3 hours was.


Another crappy chapter ugh. I started homeschool today ugh. Rowan's is 13 in 6 minutes and I'm totally not okay. I wrote this chapter in like..less then two hours cause I wanna sleep. Have you guys heard Taylor's new song released hours ago 'out of the woods'? I love it AHHH. Ahah. Night, happy birthday rowan!!!!!!!! Bye guys 👍 stay swift.


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