The Light

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It was waiting in front of this pretty bookstore for my friend. It was actually a café- cum book store which made it all the lot more interesting.

My friend was running late. But I was adamant to wait.
The sky above me was nice and blue, with cotton like clouds. The pavement on which I was standing was of plain cement; but in my eyes it was a  pretty cobblestone street. The traffic was smooth. And there was music in the air.
It looked as if the day was meant for tranquility and enjoyment.

I shoved my hand out from my pocket to look at my wrist watch only to know that she was not late, but I was early.
I blew a raspberry from my lips, because I knew who was dumb.

My ever observing eyes, wandered through the crowd. People were laughing, couples went holding hands. Children in a residential street playing stapoo, grandparents taking a walk and....
Then, my eyes landed on-, no scratch that. Something caught me eye. It might sound cliche but it was... like a...? I didn't know so I had to follow it.
My feet sub consciously took its steps. My eyes never leaving the light.

All the time I was  mumbling some apologies. A sorry here then an excuse there. Why? Cause I was tearing through the crowd.

The last turn I took was into an alleyway, with a dead end.
And in front of my eyes stood-





A mini- me.

Standing in front of me but with her back facing towards me. Ask me how, is she Mini-me?

This little angel when looked over her shoulder, our eyes met.
Brown eyes with a tint of red met brown eyes with the same tint of red.
A brunette head in front of another brunette. The irony you ask me?
We are even wearing the same dress!
White playsuit with flower designs.

**A/N LoL 😂 I know this one's dumb but I had no other option and I wanted a visual of this

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**A/N LoL 😂 I know this one's dumb but I had no other option and I wanted a visual of this. Ok bye continue...😁**

Whilst I was focussing on all this; something happened. And I heard a huge and loud,



And then, people screaming.
I took a glance at the little girl to see if she were scared. And she, smiled, a warm smile. I was confused. But, my other sense barged in, and I looked out of the alleyway. I turned to look back at the girl, only to find no one.

The sirens from the ambulance and police cars filled my ears. I ran out of the alleyway, the image of the girl still in the back of my mind.


There was this little terrorist attack.
Ha! How cute this sounds... NOT!

IT WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK! BLOODY HELL! A BOMB WAS BLASTED  in front of the café cum bookstore I would have been in.


I wasn't there.

I was there, only a few minutes prior the attack.

I would have been there and died on the spot. If not for the light I was chasing. The light which turned out to be a little girl.
A little version of myself.
Who was she?
Who was she?
Who am I?
What happened?




**A/N. Guuyyyyyyysssss! So this one is an important one. Right now this is a short story, but I don't know what might become of it.
And, who do you think was the girl?
What happened?
And sorry, right now, you won't be getting any solid answers.
But I really would appreciate the comments this time, cause I would be needing them.
So, that's it 💚 💛♥️
Thank you guys, pls comment a lot it's fun to know the thoughts and even have some constructive criticism of the readers and yeah, vote for it too ;)
Ok bye-bye see ya later sometime
Cuz my school is starting tomorrow
PS:- I suck in titles, so if u can then, pls suggest something better for it
Thankyou 💙❣️

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