A night time date

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I stepped back in absolute horror.

“What?” I squealed with a clear I-am-not-amused look on my face. “So that means that he’s going to be spending a lot of time here right?” I couldn’t believe it; could this day get any worse?

“Yes, after the football match, we shall have our first lesson here. Then as exams get closer, I will be tutoring him everyday.”

Say what?! I mentally slapped myself in the face. Football match? I hated football; I despised it! Seriously, I had played all sorts of sport from rugby to netball and out of all of the sports I had tried; football was by far the worst! Somehow, kicking a round ball up and down a field and into nets was now the worlds’ most popular entertainment. I guess my day could get worse.

“W-what football match?” I asked. My Mum (aka women with the answers) needed an even better excuse this time.

“The Harrington’s invited us!” she squealed happily. “You know how obsessed your brother and Dad are with the sport so I suggested that we all went! It will be fun honey, I promise,” she assured me.

“Do you think that’s a valid excuse?” I replied sternly, putting on a grumpy teacher voice. “Can’t I just stay at home?” I begged.

“Christi! You’re only sixteen; you can’t stay here by yourself for a whole day! Who would cook for you?” Now I was offended. Was my own mother treating me like a baby? Of course I could cook for myself!

On second thoughts, I actually couldn’t. Hum, maybe she did have a point there.

“I could stay behind with her,” a voice came from behind me. Crap! I’d forgotten he was even in the kitchen! And why was he even saying that?

“You have got to be kidding me!” I mock gasped at him. “Firstly, why would I want to spend a whole day with you and, secondly, you love football! You’re on the school’s squad or have you been kicked off for you arrogance and pretty boy looks?” I pointed accusingly at him. He put a hand over his chest, hurt.

“Okay” he said sadly “I guess you’ll just have to die of boredom at the game” he smirked. I should have known better than to believe I had actually upset him. Boys disgusted me.

“Fine. When do we leave” I gave up. I might as well try at least one match. Who knows? It could be fun! All the shouting and food and the hot football players. Then I remembered that they were English and not Australian. Boo-hoo. I think I preferred Aussie rules football. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that they wore short shorts…

“Tomorrow morning. It’s quite a long drive to the stadium and it will be quite busy. We’ll have to get up at umm- Six?”


A cold shiver ran down my spine. There was no way I was getting up at six o’ clock on a Sunday for a stupid football match! I felt heat rising up and I could feel anger churning at the back of my throat. Before I did anything stupid, I dashed upstairs and locked myself in my room. And waited.

About ten minutes later, I heard Nat leaving. ‘I hope he made himself comfortable in my house’ I thought, sarcastically. He did look like he was at home. I don’t know why he made me so angry. The first time I had met him I had been giggling like a little school girl for gods sake! And now, after all we had been through together over the last couple of days, I didn’t ever want to see him again. But then my mother had to ruin in by trapping us together in a car with each other for several hours and expecting us to get on with each other for a whole day at ‘the game’.  My thoughts right now? Well, I was seriously starting to consider running away.

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