Lead You Home

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A/N: Written as part of the DCCWRarepairSwap2019, for fanfictionofsnowbarry/Kahtee and the prompt of "S3 au where Caitlin switches back from Frost and Savitar panics and tries to get her to stay with him. Maybe originally wanting to turn her back to Frost, but changes his mind?".

It came out fairly angsty, and on the darker side, which I think given Savitar as he is in S3 isn't too surprising a direction but it does turn around from that. I was aiming to have imbued it with enough hope and hints to shippiness by the ending at least.

Also has minor Barry/Iris in it due to canonical/future elements.

Many thanks to both shyesplease and thestarkswillendure for betareading this.

Apologies in advance if there are any medical errors for the plot aspects related to the future science/tech.

Warnings: for imprisonment, minor medical procedures related to blood, brief hungerstrike mentioned, antagonism, Savitar self-hatred and mentioned (future/theoretical) character deaths.


Lead You Home


Frost lies on the floor of the warehouse, Team Flash have a weird mixture of expressions on their faces as he swoops in to retrieve her. Barry looks suitably stricken, Cecile and Joe half-wary, half-relieved, and inexplicably Cisco has a triumphant grin on his face.

But Savitar isn't concerned. This has happened before, it will always happen. He knows exactly what's come to pass. He knows exactly what is coming and any deviation he will find out from Barry.

He forgets the one potential flaw to his plan; he counts on Barry knowing everything, so that he will know everything.

He scoops up Frost in his arms to take her back to the lair, being careful with the suits grip. Perhaps he doesn't need to be so careful, not with her healing abilities, but it's automatic where she is concerned. Rationality will argue it's because she is his ally, he doesn't consider it further. He doesn't want to see the implications. Despite his confrontational nature, there are some things Savitar prefers to leave well alone.

He doesn't realize anything is wrong immediately. Frost is out for the count with a concussion. Due to her healing factor, it won't be long before she wakes up though, minutes at most. She'll be as good as new, ready for the next stage of his plan.

Except she doesn't wake up. Her hair fades to the mousy brown of Caitlin Snow. Worry gnaws deep inside Savitar at this development. This isn't what was meant to happen.

The updated memory of Cisco filling Barry in on some matter at the warehouse filters through his mind, with a lash of pain to each word recalled.

"I know it looks bad with him taking her, but don't worry, I had an ace up my sleeve. Got some outside help. Outside the timeline, if you catch my drift."

What it means isn't clear precisely. Nothing good. He takes a vial of blood from her unconscious form and isn't shocked to find nanobots nestled in between the cells he'd normally expect to see. He experimentally tries to zap the bots in the sample with a spark of his lightning. They only multiply further at the energy input, speedster proofed. Somebody's clever. Somebody's cheating with future tech far beyond what he knows of personally. Savitar hates them instantly.

There's a shortlist of who could be responsible and Ray Palmer is the top suspect. Ray Palmer who is likely currently ensconced in the time-stream aboard the Waverider. He knows full well where Ray has been in his own past but he can't risk changing anything leading up to May 23 rd . He needs events to stay as they have been. And he needs to get things back on track for what he knows of the remaining weeks.

The Flash - Lead You Home (Savisnow oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now