Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Just because our own mother abandoned us didn't mean that me and my sibling's were going to give up... Well that's what i thought. It seemed like i was the oldest when actually i was the 3rd oldest, because i was smarter & wiser than the rest of my sibling's.

" Look guy's i know you might be tired but we have no money so the best we can do is use what we have to make money!, Agreed?" Said Jake.

"Agreed" we all said.

we settled on a wide pavement and played our one and only favourite Jazz song - I feel good by James Brown.

We seemed to attract alot of people, my little sister eliza passed a cup to the crowd which they could put money in for us. Looking around singing alot of people seemed to be dancing and waving there hands. We finished playing as the crowd gave us an applause. When we got the cup all that seemed to be in it was just 20p. We then passed it around again and one old Lady stole the 20p.

"What the f*ck, what elderly person steal's money from kid's? Ohh come onnn! I yelled at the old lady.

"Annabelle you know what we've been performing on the streets for so long now and all that we have earned isn't even enough to buy us a bunch of banana's ! Sorry but erm... I quit!" said Jake.

"JAKE ! b-but you can't quit! I need you in the band!"

"I? I knew it! It's all about you, well now you can have it, since we ever created this band you've always wanted to be in the spotlight, well know you have it! C'mon guy's let's form our OWN BAND"

They all walked off and i was just standing by myself in tears looking like a wet clown.

It was starting to get dark aswell and i had nowhere to settle. Look's like I'm going to have to go on an adventure and just see who or what I stumble upon. I walked miles and miles and miles, my feet aching as the footwear I wore wasn't quality enough. My leg's ached as they couldn't support my body anymore. Until., up in the distance I found a gas station. I though I might aswell go check it out i guess. I opened the door, it made a loud squeak. It was quite full of people having a drink of coffee and conversing. It kind of remembered me of my childhood, because I could of sworn my godmother had taken me here since she use to work here.

"Ermm excuse me, does Stephanie Gae still work here? I said to the old woman behind the cashier.

"Well it's funny you should mention she just got re-hired, she's at the back of the storeroom honey, straight then two doors left"

Thank you, so much" i added as i skipped along.

"Hello Godmother ! " I screamed., making her jump in amazement.

"Hello Darling, It's been year's since i last saw you! You're all grown up, i hope everything at home is going well? Anyway grab your bag and let's head you back home" she smiled.

"Ermm Ma maw.. Ermm i'm not going back home, mum banned me from ever coming home again and i have no where to stay. I'm so hungry and tired. Isit okay if i can stay with you?"

i said as i smiled sweetly showing of my brown/yellow teeth.

"Ohh that's terrible! And of course you can, grab your bag and we will head home to mine"

Wooho this was great... Well for now...

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