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We sat at Emma's' sonogram appointment, I held her hand as the doctor placed gel on her swollen belly

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We sat at Emma's' sonogram appointment, I held her hand as the doctor placed gel on her swollen belly. I know, in reality she wanted Art to be there as well but tears at night never stop no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Her heart hurt and soul felt empty even with me by her side. It wasn't that she didn't love me it was she didn't understand why he left, why one day everything just changed.

Change wasn't her friend but an enemy in her life. She always felt she can control every inch of her life, losing wasn't part of her vocabulary. She pushed people away out of being to scared to let her walls down. I knew it.
After Art left I ask Bea pick up Luka, I explained to our son mommy needs some time. In that big heart and brain of his - he understood.
Within hours she broke down and pack her bags.
"Where are you going?"
I questioned her
"Does it matter because your going leave next. I might as well be the first to go."
It broke my heart, I grab her pushing the bag away from her.
No words were exchanged I grab into my arms and held her.  This was exactly what she needed it and I knew it.
She struggled against me, she started to fight against but I wasn't going to fight her back.
Only fighting I was willing to do was emotionally not ever physically.
As she step down my toes, I let go grunt.
I let go of her as I swear I can feel my pulse in my toes. As she ran from our room I chasing her with limp foot. "If you leave your only going hurt yourself and Luka." She stop as her hand touch the door.
She quickly turn
"How do I know you won't leave me and take him with you?"
I let go of breath I was holding.
" you don't but you have to believe my love for you won't hurt you. You need to trust me."
The word trust seem to faded into unknown abyss where the broken hearts go.

I slow walk her way trying to scare her, her face is looking down as tears flood her face.
I gently lift her chin look at her eyes that hold a mix of pain and torture.
"Emma, I love you to moon and back, enough to share you with other man. Enough to bring our son into unorthodox relationships. Enough to come looking for you. I trust your love for us, please trust me enough. I don't know what happen but there has to be a reason."

With that weeks pass and here we are looking at our babies heart beat. Things have slowly gone back to normal expect tears at night. Yes, Luka and I had to adjust as well. Art became like his second dad and he became like my best friend.
It was unorthodox family but work for us, Luka was happy as they can be, but didn't take away the missing piece in our family.

I often asked for Alek help but it was same response.
"I can not tell you where his at, he will reach out."
Little did I know Luka was face time Art often as well.

Just as we were about to leave we both received a text message, "be ready to come to Italy now. -Gia"
We both look at each other knowing there's was a good explanation for this .

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