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I didn't realize I had pissed Yoongi off until I did realize severely that I did.


After that little encounter at the bus stop, I hadn't really seen him around.

I mean I knew he was there, probably passed out with his fatass cat somewhere in the house, it's just he wasn't loud. At all.

It was starting to get worrisome. Yoongi with no parties or hook ups?

I hadn't even seen his cat around for a while.

A sick thought creeped in.

What if they're both dead?

And then I slapped myself. Yeah right, now that you finally have peace and quiet, you're trying find out why instead of utilizing it to study.

So I sighed for the last time, staring at his window before focusing on my textbooks.

I was woken up mind numblingly loud music with bass shaking down the walls of my seated ass.

My neck was sore from having crouched to study and then falling asleep at the table.

"What time is it?," I whispered groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

3.37 am.

I shifted the curtains to see what I already knew would be - Min Fucking Yoongi partying his ass off.

I had my entrance exam in a few days and he was making my life harder than it already was.

I tried to focus once again but I knew it was futile.

I couldn't sleep nor could I study. What else was I supposed to do?

At times like these I kinda wish my mom were at home. At least then Yoongi might show some respect.

But even he knew my mom was a nurse who almost always had night shifts - much to his delight.

And when my head started pounding, I got up and stalked out.

Determined to have him disperse the party or move it somewhere else, I took long strides across the lawn and hopped over the small white fence separating his territory from ours.

I kind of wish these rules applied to sound as well.

The loud bass now resonated in my bones as I walked through his open front door.

College kids sprawled everywhere, drunk and very touchy were seen in every nook and corner. Yet the one I was looking for was nowhere to be found.

"He-hey! I haven't seen you around," someone grabbed my arm and I turned around.

"Are you a junior?"

"No," I said, looking at his flushed cheeks, probably from the drinks he'd had.

I tried to break free but his grip tightened. "I'm here for Yoongi, let me go," I said, my nostrils flaring angrily.

Somehow the mention of Yoongi made him abruptly remove his hand from my arm and I walked away.

It was physically hard to sift through the floppy, drunken mess of college students.

I crinkled my nose in disgust and wondered why they were wasting their lives away when they had everything everyone else coveted?

You go to the most prestigious school anyone would kill to get into, you're rich and you're throwing your life away. Why? Because your favorite trend is out of fashion?

The tinge of jealousy was warped into a whorl of hatred as I spotted Yoongi sprawled on the couch with a girl straddling his lap, making out sloppily.

"Yoongi," I said, trying my best to spot his face in the silky hair that covered it.

He didn't seem to hear me over the loud music. "YOONGI!"

The girl stopped and turned around, her hair moving away and I finally saw Yoongi: face covered with kiss marks and mouth smudged with red tint.

He lazily opened his eyes and spotted me.

Then wiped his lower lip with his thumb as the girl got off of him and sat on the couch.

"That's the second time you've interrupted me, y/n," his voice was full of... annoyance.

He had the balls to be annoyed?

"And that's the millionth time you have disrupted my life," I said, balling my fists.

He rubbed the girl's thigh. "Oh, really?"

"Turn the music down or move your crack party somewhere else. You're disturbing me."

"Really, now?," he said warily and kept looking at the girl with lust which made her blush. He didn't seem to want to talk to me.

Well that makes two of us.

"I have a tes--," I sighed. Why should I explain myself to a bastard like him? "I can't study nor can I sleep."

He exhaled and finally looked at me with an expression that read, "oh, you're still here?"

Then he stood up and adjusted his pants. This made me look down and I cursed under my breath.

A slow grin appeared on his face and I looked away, biting my tongue.

He started walking towards me but I held my ground. I wasn't moving an inch until I got what I came for.

What did I come here for?

Right, the bulge-


I dragged my eyes to his face when he said, "now that can't be true, can it?"

His breath hit my face which was minty and I wondered why he was still sober.

"What?," my voice came out a pathetic whisper.

Damn you, Yoongi's crotch- wait what?

"As I remember," the smile on his face was gone. "You made it pretty clear I don't exist for you, then how can my actions be of any consequence to you when I'm not even worthy of acknowledgement for you?"

There was so much venom in his voice that I shivered. I actually shivered.


"I'm not important enough for you to have any feelings about me, right? Then why are my actions affecting you?"

And the whole scene from that day played in front of my eyes.

He was punishing me for saying that? He rather me hate him than not see him as a person at all?

"Right," I said, looking him dead in the eye.

So that's how it is, huh? You're doing this to show me how very much you exist for me?

I'll show you how very much you don't.

"You've got a point. You didn't mean anything to me. And now, you don't even exist to me."

And with that, I stalked off.

Meow-meow came meowing and I gritted my teeth. "Get away from me you fucking fatass."

Even though it was petty of me to take my anger out on an innocent cat, the mere fact he was Yoongi's warranted any curse words that came out.

I'll show you, Min Yoongi.

My neighbor's cat: Min Yoongi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now