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Your POV:

I groaned as I stirred. The room was dimly lit when I opened my eyes but it didn't take me long to realize it wasn't my own.

"Ah, my head," I croaked. My throat was all sore as if I had cried a lot. Licking my lips, I hissed as a searing pain hit me.

My lip had burst.

Sitting down, I saw that I was wearing a shirt... a men's shirt.

Oh my God, no!

I screamed involuntarily which made someone fall off the bed - whom I only noticed then - making my scream go several octaves higher.

"Y/n, y/n! It's me! Calm down," I heard a familiar voice and my screaming fit dissolved.

Yoongi? What the fuck is Yoongi doing here?

And only when he pulled the curtains apart did I see where I actually was.

Jumping out of the bed, I pointed at him accusingly. "Why am I here? What did you do to me?" Looking down at my attire, I saw I was just wearing his shirt and a yelp left my lips. "What did you do?"

"Shut up or your mom will think I raped you or something," he yawned and scratched his head.

I gasped and clutched his shirt closer to my chest.

"What the fuck happened?!," I whisper yelled and that was somehow amusing to the bastard because his lips quivered.

"You, my dear neighbor went off rebelling."

"That much I know," I shot back. "How did I end up here, in your bed?," a disgusted shiver crawled up my body.

All amusement left his face as he walked towards me in purposeful strides.

I fell back on the bed, eyes wide to watch him hover over me with the darkest expression on his face.

"You weren't disgusted last night when I...," he trailed off and looked me over hungrily.

Tears of humiliation pricked my eyes.

"So... we slept together?"

He didn't answer. He didn't need to.

"That counts as taking advantage, you asshole! I was drunk!," I cried out, feeling my heart ram painfully against my ribs.

He got on the bed, on his knees on either side of my thighs and crouched on all fours, his hands landing on the bed, holding me prisoner under him.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression. "How big of a jerk do you take me for to actually think I would do something like that?," his voice was laced with hurt.

"I take you for a much bigger jerk," I spat in his face.

"You know, I could show you what a real jerk is right here and now, given I've already got you under me," he said dangerously. "But I'll wait until you beg me for it."

"Asshole!," I don't know why tears formed in my eyes and he sighed.

Getting off of me and taking a seat beside me, he said, "I brought you over because I didn't want your mom to see you like that," he explained.

Tears streaming to my temples, I sat up and closed my legs.

"And no, I didn't- we didn't. I merely changed your clothes because you puked all over yourself while you were cursing me," he smiled fondly at the memory as I made a disgusted face.

"Stop acting like you care about my mom."

Yoongi snapped his eyes to my face.

"She's going to hear about it soon or later. You took away not only my dream, but her hopes for a better future, too," I sobbed. "Here I thought I was finally going to get into the best uni and then land a stable job so my mom wouldn't have to work so hard..."

My hands started trembling at the thought of her knowing I failed.

"And it's all because of you so don't fucking say that you care about my mom because you fucking don't!"

But to my surprise, he leaned in so close I practically felt his breath on my cheek. "I don't. I never said that."

"Fucking asshole! Bast--," but my words got caught in my throat as his eyes dipped down to my lips.

"I only care about you, princess."

I was ready to claw his face when my eyes fell to his lip which sported a red cut - a bruise that awfully looked similar to mine.

And in instinct, I touched my lip as it dawned on me.

"You motherfucker!," I grabbed his neck and strangled him. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

He started to choke and I straddled him as I increased the pressure.

A smirk grew on his face which made me clench my teeth. "Oh, that's how how like it, huh, baby girl?"

"I will fucking kill you!," but my fingers didn't have that much strength.

And I let him go. As soon as I did, though, his arms enveloped me, holding me down on his lap.

"You headbutted me. That's how both of our lips burst," he looked into my eyes.

I could have headbutted him. That is true.

"Nice one, jerkface. How did my lips land on yours if I was headbutting you?"

His arm tightened, jerking me closer to him as his thigh grazed the inside of mine.

I meowled at the sudden sensation.

He smirked as he pushed my hair behind my ear, "you were drunk and disoriented. You missed your mark and landed on my face instead. Don't worry, it wasn't a kiss," he looked at my lips and licked his own, "if you don't want it to be."

Something told me he was lying but I was so fucking ready to get out of there that I bought it.

"It isn't. I wouldn't give my first kiss to the likes of you."

And I don't know why but it seemed like he made yet another mistake with the way his expression changed but I quickly got off him and ran towards the door.

I just had to get away from him.

But wait.

"My clothes. Where are my clothes?"

Without a word, he brought me my freshly laundered frock and went outside, to my surprise.

I half expected him to ask me to strip in front of him.

But hey, good enough. My heart couldn't handle any more of his shenanigans the way it was beating right now.

Fuck you, Min Yoongi.


Okay last update for today 😂

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